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Demon's Souls: Bluepoint Games releases a patch to correct stability issues

Demon's Souls: Bluepoint Games releases a patch to correct stability issues

Bluepoint Games has deployed a new update to address some of the few issues encountered in Demon's Souls, such as crashes and slowdowns. The studio is also working on correcting some glitches.

Demon's Souls: Bluepoint Games releases a patch to correct stability issues

The excellent Demon's Souls is not completely bug-free. We experienced repeated slowdowns, with a PS5 that took a long time to reboot and launch the game.

Bluepoint just release a patch aimed to fix this stability issues.

That little scare aside, the climbing exploit used to try to reach the other side of the mystery door, and the gold coin glitch, among others, will be fixed soon.

Another patch is expected to arrive soon for these few issues.

Original content by Robin "Raiden" Bouquet.

Laure Laborde
Laure Laborde

Freelance Writer and Editor for Millenium FR & US - Indie lover and horror enthusiast.