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Burning Crusade Classic: Magtheridon's Lair Raid Guide

Burning Crusade Classic: Magtheridon's Lair Raid Guide

Magtheridon's Lair is a Burning Crusade Classic Phase 1 raid. You'll find it in Hellfire Peninsula, and it is made up of a single boss. However, don't think this is easy -- we've put together a guide to help you succeed.

Burning Crusade Classic: Magtheridon's Lair Raid Guide

Magtheridon's Lair is a high-level raid in Burning Crusade Classic. Deployed in Phase 1, it is one of the first 25-player raids available to Level 70 players.

Players can actually enter this raid from Level 65, but we really don't recommend that!

Magtheridon's Lair: Entrance

The entrance to the raid is in the center of Hellfire Peninsula in Outland . Specifically, it is located at the foot of Hellfire Citadel.

  • Coordinates: 46.6, 52.8
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic

Related Quests




Trial of the Naaru: Magtheridon

Magtheridon slain

Questline grants access
to The Eye (Phase 2)


Recommended composition

  • 5 Tanks
  • 6-8 Healers
  • 12-14 DPS

Phase 1

  • Separate each Hellfire Channeler by about 45 meters
  • Kill as many Channelers as possible in 2 minutes
  • Interrupt Channelers' Shadow Bolt Volley casts
  • Interrupt all casts of Dark Mending
  • Prevent Infernal Abyssals from chasing players (using Banish, Freezing Trap, Fear etc.)
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic

During the first two minutes of combat, Magtheridon is inactive and immune to all damage. The objective of the raid is to focus on the five Hellfire Channelers located around the former lord of the Outland. Next to each is a Manticron Cube that you will need to use when awakening Magtheridon in Phase 2.

Channelers have two skills that can be slowed down by Curse of Tongues and Mind-Numbing Poison III, as well as interrupted:

Each of the tanks must take the aggro of a Channeler and place it near the wall where it is located, so that the same group does not suffer two bursts of Shadow Bolt Volley at the same time (this one having a range of 45 meters). Ideally, each Channeler's casting of both techniques should be interrupted at all times, but in practice some bursts are likely to land.

Periodically, each Channeler can begin summoning an Infernal Abyssal. If this happens, Warlocks and Hunters must prioritise trapping them using Banish or Freezing Trap and keeping them prisoner throughout the encounter (including after Magtheridon awakens). Infernal Abyssals disappear one minute after they are summoned, no matter what, so there is no need to focus on killing them.

Finally, when a Channeler dies, it grants Soul Transfer to the other Channelers, which increases the damage they inflict and their casting speed. The idea is to kill at least three of these Channelers before Magtheridon awakens, and to leave the aggro of the last two to the two best-equipped tanks in the group.

Phase 2

  • Kill the remaining Channelers as quickly as possible
  • Avoid areas affected by Conflagration
  • Restore players' health in order to survive the Quake (every 50 seconds)
  • Interrupt the Blast Nova by activating all 5 Mantricron Cubes at the same time (every 60 seconds)
  • Wait for an Blast Nova to take place before taking the boss into Phase 3 (i.e. below 30% health)
  • Restore the health of the entire raid before going into Phase 3
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic

After two minutes of fighting, Magtheridon awakens even if Channelers are still alive. The group's objective is then to defeat the remaining Channelers while mastering the only truly dangerous skill Magtheridon has: Blast Nova.

Once per minute, Magtheridon casts an Blast Nova. To prevent it from inflicting very heavy damage to the entire raid, 5 players must simultaneously activate the 5 Manticron Cubes found where the Hellfire Channelers were before the encounter began.

Important: Activating a Cube requires channeling, and deals moderate damage to you while you are doing so. If all Cubes are activated at the same time, you should only suffer one or two ticks.

When a player activates a Cube, he suffers Mind Exhaustion and cannot click on any other Cube for 3 minutes. It is crucial that three groups of 5 players are assigned to these Cubes.

Phase 3

  • Avoid areas affected by Conflagration
  • Restore players' health in order to survive the Quake (every 50 seconds)
  • Interrupt the Blast Nova by activating all 5 Mantricron Cubes at the same time (every 60 seconds)
  • Do not stay near a Mantricron Cube before a Collapse
  • Avoid areas affected by Collapse (instant one shot)
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic

When Magtheridon reaches the threshold of 30% health, he destroys the walls of his lair and the ceiling collapses, which inflicts rather significant damage to all players and stuns them for 2 seconds. To survive, you'll need to make sure the entire raid is at a decent health level before Magtheridon hits that 30% threshold.

This final phase contains only two techniques: Blast Nova and Collapse.

Regarding the Blast Nova, the strategy is identical to Phase 2 to counter it, with one difference: Collapse. During this third phase, the ceiling collapses on the players and temporarily condemns certain parts of the room (in addition to one-shotting affected players).

The objective is simple: never find yourself near a Mantricron Cube before a Collapse, or else you will be barred from accessing it, inevitably leading to the non-interruption of Magtheridon's Blast Nova and a certain wipe.

Notable Loot





Black Sack of Gems


Magtheridon's Head

Begins Quest


Pit Lord's Satchel

20 Slot Bag


Chestguard of the Fallen Defender




Chestguard of the Fallen Hero





Chestguard of the Fallen Champion





Soul-Eater's Handwraps


Off Hand

Aegis of the Vindicator



Eye of Magtheridon



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