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Pokémon Unite: Snorlax Build Guide

Pokémon Unite: All Guides & Builds
Pokémon Unite: Snorlax Build Guide

Here is our complete guide to Snorlax, a giant Defender in Pokémon Unite. From best items to the right move choices, our build guide should help you dominate on the field of battle.

Pokémon Unite: Snorlax Build Guide

One of the free choices upon completing the initial Pokémon Unite tutorial, Snorlax will often prove to be a useful member of any team.

Our guide helps you understand Snorlax' moveset and choose the best abilities as you level up, as well as suggest the best Held Items and Battle Items to equip.

Snorlax: Item Choices

These are the items we recommend equipping on Snorlax before you head into battle.

Be mindful that you can equip up to three Held Items and one Battle Item. All stats are based on items being Level 1, without having been upgraded.

Held Items


HP +16 (240)
HP Recover 0 (9)

When the Pokémon is not in combat, it recovers 1% of its max HP every second.

Assault Vest

HP +18 (+270)
Sp. Def 0 (+42)

When the Pokémon is not in combat, they are granted a shield that nullifies Sp. Atk damage equal to 9% of their max HP.

Rocky Helmet

HP +18 (+270)
Defense 0 (+42)

When the Pokémon receives a certain amount of damage, damage is dealt to nearby opposing Pokémon equal to 3% of those Pokémon's max HP.

Battle Item

Eject Button

Cooldown: 55 seconds

Quickly moves your Pokémon in the designated direction.

The idea with this build is that Snorlax becomes the ultimate tank, capable of checking opponents and mitigating as much damage as possible. Outside of battle you'll rapidly regenerate HP with Leftovers and avoid any surprise attacks with Assault Vest. Finally, the Rocky Helmet will give as good as it gets when the team battles come calling.

While you won't be escaping many battles as Snorlax, you'll want Eject Button anyway, as a gap closer for initiating combat.

Snorlax: Starting Attack


Cooldown: 6 seconds

Has the user charge forward belly first, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.

Tackle really is the best choice of starter move, as it gives you mobility from the start, and can apply a slow to help teammates win those early skirmishes.

Snorlax: Best Moves

Heavy Slam

Cooldown: 7 seconds

Has the user slam their heavy body down, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and throwing them

Upgrade at Level 11: Increases damage dealt by this move.


Cooldown: 11 seconds

Has the user spread their arms wide to create a wall and grants them a shield. Prevents Pokémon from passing through the wall and shoves opposing Pokémon that run into it

Upgrade at Level 13: Reduces the damage the user receives while this move is in effect.

You're Snorlax, you're a meat shield. Block is the bread and butter of this build, preventing enemies getting to your backline in a team battle. Followed up with Heavy Slam, you can then knock up opponents, giving your team the best chance to take them down.

Eject Button is a great pairing here, allowing you to close gaps and initiate those battles, or dive towards a teammate ready to shield them.

Snorlax: Passive Ability


Increases the effects gained from eating Berries.

Snorlax: Overall Rating

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Here are all the Pokémon you'll be able to get your hands on in Pokémon Unite, the new MOBA-style battler.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.