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Head of Mimiron WoW WotLK: How to get this mount?

Head of Mimiron WoW WotLK: How to get this mount?

The Head of Mimiron is one of the most coveted mounts introduced in Phase 2 of World of Warcraft's Wrath of the LIch King Classic expansion. Discover it in detail in this dedicated article, including its detailed method of obtaining.

Introduced in World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion in Phase 2 , the Head of Mimiron is a mount rewarding players for defeating one of Ulduar's bosses on its highest difficulty setting. This is a flying mount available to both Horde and Alliance players.

  • Important: Unlike most other flying mounts, this one increases your flight speed by 310% (was 280%). No additional skill purchases are required for the watch.

How to get Mimiron's Head in WotLK Classic?

Mimiron's Head is the very first (and one of the few) mounts in World of Warcraft history that reward players for venturing into a specific raid in order to defeat a boss there on a difficulty they have. themselves increased voluntarily and artificially. This very particular system is also exclusive to Ulduar, which at the time introduced the beginnings of what would later become Heroic Mode, then Mythic Mode.

However, unlike the modes we know today there is officially only Normal Mode 10 and Normal Mode 25 for Ulduar. When players set foot in one of the two, they then have the choice to defeat each boss "normally" and obtain the loot from Normal Mode, or to proceed slightly differently and greatly increase the difficulty of each of them in order to to get additional higher tier loot as a reward.

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic

The only exception to this rule is the very famous Yogg-Saron, the final boss of Ulduar, who instead of offering a "normal" version and a "hard" version of his encounter actually offers 4 that players can choose from. by interacting with each of the four Guardians of his prison (Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, and Hodir) and refusing their help. Each Guardian providing a substantial bonus allowing you to fight against the techniques that Yogg-Saron launches, if you deactivate one (or more) then the difficulty naturally increases enormously.

You will no doubt have understood it: to obtain the Head of Mimiron, you will have to defeat Yogg-Saron without any of the four Guardians assisting you during the encounter in 25-player mode only (sorry pro-raid 10 ), you must therefore interact with each of them to refuse their help and go forward alone against the insidious evil that the Old God represents: this is called "Yogg 0add", "Yogg 0" or "Yog no keeper". The drop rate for Mimiron's Head is 100% if you do this, but if any Guardian is still active or you're in the 10 raid version then the mount is completely removed from the table loot from the boss.

But be careful: only one copy of this mount can be looted from the chest that appears after your victory against Yogg-Saron. Out of 25 players, only one of the players will leave with it and you will have to kill this boss again in this difficulty mode to see a new copy drop.

If you manage to obtain this prestigious mount, it also gives you the feat And I shape the head! . A well-deserved little extra that will bring you nothing more than the pleasure of strutting around with it and sporting it at all costs! It doesn't matter when you obtain this mount, the feat is awarded no matter what.

  • Important clarification: Contrary to a popular belief that is still struggling to disappear today, the Head of Mimiron is not obtained on Mimiron in Ulduar. Similarly, the fact that Mimiron was defeated on Normal or Heroic does absolutely nothing to change the method of obtaining this mount, which remains on Yogg 0add.
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic

Mimiron Head Appearance

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!