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Azure Drake WoW WotLK: How to get this mount?

Azure Drake WoW WotLK: How to get this mount?

The Azure Drake is one of the rarest mounts introduced in Phase 1 of World of Warcraft's Wrath of the LIch King Classic expansion. Discover it in detail in this dedicated article, including its detailed method of obtaining.

Introduced in the Wrath of the Lich King Classic extension of World of Warcraft during Phase 1 , the Azure Drake is a mount rewarding players who have had a significant luck rate by defeating certain bosses of the extension. . This is a flying mount available to both Horde and Alliance players.

How to get Azure Drake in WotLK Classic?

The Blue Drake is, like many other drakes in the expansion, quite common and even unknown to many players. This is the improved (and frankly prettier) version of the Blue Drake. It doesn't require defeating a spectacular boss or completing a complex achievement. To get it, you need to be pretty lucky after defeating Malygos in the Eye of Eternity in 25-player mode.

Unlike its blue counterpart, the Azure Drake was never (and never will be) obtainable from the Ley-Guardian Cache after defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos in Oculus on Heroic Difficulty. On the other hand, it can be obtained rather rarely by defeating Malygos in its 10-player version, allowing you to eventually get your hands on the Blue Drake and the Azure Drake during a single weekly reset. . Of course, this remains particularly rare and the most reliable method of obtaining remains the 25-player version, but you never know!

The drop rate in 25-player mode is estimated between 9 and 10%, compared to barely 3% in 10-player mode. Luck is your best ally, there is no magic solution to get it more easily. No prerequisites other than the aforementioned difficulties are required. Not the slightest feat or the least particular technique. Get through it and just cross your fingers!

  • Reminder: Malygos does not directly drop items after being defeated in the Eye of Eternity. You need to search the Gift of Alexstrasza that spawns in the "room" after the fight and hope to see it appear inside (just like the rest of the Eye of Eternity loot.

Azure Drake Skin

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
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Julien bxakid

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