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WoW WotLK: Gluth, Naxxramas Boss Strategy (Phase 1)

WoW WotLK: Gluth, Naxxramas Boss Strategy (Phase 1)

Gluth is the third boss in Naxxramas, the second raid in World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion. Discover in this guide its mechanics as well as the strategy to adopt in order to defeat it.

Gluth is the 3rd boss of Naxxramas, the second raid in World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion introduced with Phase 1 . It is located in the Construction District .

  • Important: The complete Weak Auras pack for this second WotLK Classic raid can be accessed by following this link !

Gluth's strategy at Naxxramas

Recommended composition

  • Specificity of the encounter: At least 3 Hunters , Mages or Shamans in 10-player mode. In Mode 25, bring at least 5 for simplicity.

10 players

25 players

2 tanks

2 tanks

2 Healers

5 Healers


18 DPS

The encounter with Gluth is as special as it is classic. The boss itself is incredibly simple, it's the Croq'zombies that it summons during the fight that complicates it a little bit and requires good management of the entire raid to overcome it. .

  • Important: Gluth immediately attacks the first player jumping from the pipe leading to him. All players must therefore jump at the same time, and Tanks must be very reactive to regain aggro and place the boss correctly and quickly.

    The Main Tank should place Gluth near the large door leading to Thaddius, opposite the pipe that led you to him. The strategy for them is quite banal since they must exchange the boss after having suffered between 3 and 4 Mortal Wound charges. An application occurs every 10 to 15 seconds on the active Tank, and each one reduces the healing it receives by 10% for 15 seconds, the effect being cumulative 10 times.

    The rest of the party should line up behind and on the sides of the boss. In your back will be three large grids on the ground: it is from one of them that a Croq'zombie will appear randomly every 10 seconds (approximately). If one of these zombies gets too close to Gluth, an emote will trigger and the pestilent dog will run in their direction to devour them. If he succeeds, he regains 5% of his maximum hit points.

    The objective here is therefore that the whole group (with the exception of the Tanks) unite in order to slow down the Croq'zombies. These little zombies have a lot of hit points and can be slowed and stunned. The simplest strategy is to place Frost Traps ( Hunter ), Earthbind Totems ( Shaman ), and cast Blizzards ( Mage ) in a loop. The Croq'zombies target the players and run in the direction of those who have the aggro at first, if they touch you you suffer an Infected Wound which increases the Physical damage suffered for 1 minute (Dissipable disease ).

    Every 105 seconds (1 minute and 45 seconds), Gluth will cast Decimate which will reduce the hit points of ALL players and zombies to 5% of their maximum hit points: this is when all players must turn around and kill all the Croq'zombies. Beware, Tanks are also affected by the Decimate : plan immediate healing or a defensive CD upstream to help the active Tank survive!

    Eventually, Gluth will gain the Enrage effect periodically throughout the fight. The effect is dispelled by the Hunters ' Tranquilizing Shot as well as by the Rogues ' Numbing Poison II . Abuse it as soon as possible!

  • Important: Gluth enrages and one-shots the entire raid if the encounter lasts more than 8 minutes, slightly after his 4th Decimate. Don't drag too much!
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
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