There are many global awards associated with the Yokohama Pokémon GO Fest, but the most important one is this special Suicune Raid day. The legendary will be available in its shiny form and you can meet him in all Gyms, this Saturday, August 17 from 4 to 7pm.
In addition, 5 Raid Pass will be offered during this period.

Water Type
Normal: 1704 CP
Boosted: 2130 CP
How to defeat Suicune in a Raid?
With 37761 CP, Suicune is a Water type. Pokémon such as Electrik and Grass will be very effective against it. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the best Pokémon you can put in your team:

Electrik type
Thunder Shock and Wild Charge

Electrik type
Spark and Wild Charge

Electrik and Flying types
Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt

Grass type
Vine Whip and Solar Beam

Electrik type
Spark and Wild Charge

Grass and Poison types
Razor Leaf and Grass Knot

Grass and Poison types
Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant

Electrik type
Thunder Shock and Wild Charge

Grass and Psychic types
Bullet Seed and Solar Beam

The third and final Pokémon GO Fest of 2019 ended on a high note in Yokohama, Japan. Discover all the global rewards you can enjoy.