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FUT 20: Resale buying guide

FIFA 20 Ultimate Team Guides and News
FUT 20: Resale buying guide

Here are our tried-and-tested techniques for earning coins on FIFA Ultimate Team. We'll take you through all the tricks to become a millionaire on the 2020 edition of EA Sports' famous football game.

FUT 20: Resale buying guide

Despite the fact that many players believe the process to be incredibly complicated, buy and resale techniques remain the best way to get rich in FUT. While it is now possible to win a lot of credits in the FUT Champions or Division Rivals modes, the latter requires a lot of time and the rewards are not necessarily worth it for players who don't have the time or skill level to grab dozens of wins in a weekend. Whereas these techniques are accessible to everyone, even beginners.

Welcome to our guide to resale buying on FIFA 20, with the help of FUT pro Dutsinho, who has many more guides on the topic on his socials (albeit in French).

What is resale purchasing?

If you are already a resale buying pro, you may as well move on to the next paragraph. Anyone ready to learn, take a seat and listen our basic tips. Ultimate Team is an economic market that functions in the same way as any other market in the real world, it obeys the rules of supply and demand.

Resale buying consists in buying players at the best price and reselling them at a higher price in order to create a profit, while taking into account market trends and evolutions.

The Transfer Market is where you start mining for gold. - FIFA 20
The Transfer Market is where you start mining for gold.

In other words, the principle seems a little cut-throat, but in reality it is quite simple and logical. As always, at the beginning of every season, the players all start with an empty balance and FIFA 20 is no exception. In these beginning days, there's no need to buy the best players in the world and try to make a profit from them, as the number of potential buyers is too small. There is little hope to make money with players worth more than 10,000 credits.

At launch, buy the less popular players worth a handful of credits and sell them at a slightly higher price, but in much greater quantity.

On the contrary, several weeks or months after the game's release, when most players have a wallet full of coins, choose more expensive cards that will make you earn more money and have a better chance of selling than at launch.

The resale purchasing technique requires time, patience and, above all, a specific knowledge. We will try to give you as much advice as possible through this guide but keep in mind that we learn through trial and error. No, you won't become a millionaire in two days, but through time and perseverance you will earn enough credits to build the team of your dreams.

The EA tax

First of all, know that EA applies a 5% tax on the profits of all your sales. Beware of false profits, especially on large transactions since you actually only receive 95% of the credits at the end of each sale. You can calculate your actual margin as follows:

Real profit = (sale price * 0.95) - buying price - FIFA 20
Real profit = (sale price * 0.95) - buying price

Purchasing and resale techniques

Start with non-Rare Gold cards

Almost risk-free and devilishly effective at the beginning of the game, the non-Rare Gold technique is the one we strongly recommend you adopt during your first few hours on Ultimate Team.

It consists in buying non-rare gold players from the most popular leagues in Europe (Premier League, Ligue 1, La Liga) at the minimum price to sell them a handful of more expensive credits. To effectively operate this technique, you must comply with the following instructions proposed by Dutsinho:

  • Have a minimum budget of 1,000 coins
  • Buy the player at the lowest price with at least 7 contracts and +99 fitness
  • Add between 200 or 300 to the purchase price at the time of resale
  • Players worth 1000 coins or less: add 200/300 coins
  • Other: +400/450 coins
  • Avoid having several identical players in your stack

Example of a sales scale for purchases below 1,000 coins:

This table has been made by minimizing the benefits, it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to be more greedy. By trying to resell more expensive, you will have to list again more often and therefore you will potentially make less profit by blocking your space in your Transfer List stack.

Buying Price

Selling Price






































Example of a sales scale purchases above 1,000 coins:

This table has been made by minimizing the benefits, it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to be more greedy. By trying to resell more expensive, you will have to list again more often and therefore you will potentially make less profit by blocking your space in your Transfer List stack.

Buying Price

Selling Price
























































All about FUT Champions and competitive mode rewards

Ultimate Team's most competitive mode is back on FUT 20. Although there have been no major changes for this season, it is important to review how this mode works and how to be as efficient as possible and revisiting those all-important rewards.

The key to this technique is to buy in bulk and re-list every hour as much as possible.

Technique 59

This technique will bring you the most credits per transaction. The objective is to take advantage of other players' pricing errors and buy their card at the first second of the sale.

First of all, you have to find the minimum Buy Now price of the player you are targeting, deduct about 10% of this amount and repeat the search until you find a card at an unbeatable price.

Example: For Gelson Martins with the cheapest card priced at 3,500 coins (price accurate at time of writing) on the market, repeat the search for Buy Now at 3,000 credits and refresh the search until a card pops up, then swoop in and buy it.

Once you have purchased your card, list it at the average market price to make the most profit while preserving your chances of selling it quickly. Don't lose hope and reduce the price of your re-listings, if the market price doesn't fall, you have no reason to lower it.

The Tech 59 can bring you big profits, but becomes very risky over time, with potential bans. - FIFA 20
The Tech 59 can bring you big profits, but becomes very risky over time, with potential bans.

Although very profitable, this technique has many disadvantages, first because EA has an unfortunate tendency to ban players whose search occurrences are detected as abusive by the bots that monitor the market. Also, this market manipulation is really tedious.

It requires a lot of luck and patience, and other techniques that certainly yield less coins per transaction are more profitable in the long run.

FUT Millionaire technique

After having built up a good capital of coins thanks to the non-Rare Gold technique, we advise you to switch to the FUT Millionaire technique. This principal is very simple, you have to buy rare gold players from the most popular leagues at the minimum price. To best operate this system, you must comply with the following instructions, as always proposed by Dutsinho:

  • Have a minimum budget of 50 to 100,000 credits
  • Buy the player at the lowest price with at least 7 contracts and + 99 fitness
  • Add between 800 and 1200 coins to the resale against the purchase price
  • Players with 3900 credits or less: add 800/900 resale coins
  • Other: add 1,000/1,200 resale coins
  • Avoid having several identical players in your stack

The FUT Millionaire technique is the one that will allow you to collect enough coins to switch to the most profitable technique used in resale purchases: the aircraft technique. Give priority to the number of players over their value, take cheap players, rarely exceeding 10,000 coins in order to have a portfolio of about fifty cards. List every hour and buy back the ones you sell right away.

Everything you need to know about FUT 20 Division Rivals

After a successful first year in FUT, the Rivals Division mode returns to replace online seasons again in FIFA 20, with slight changes. In this article, we will explain everything about how the mode works and the rewards it offers.

Aircraft Technique

All FUT cards have 99 fitness and 7 contracts as default, but when buying a card costs a lot, players generally prefer cards with more contracts, a preferable style, as well as 99 fitness.

The aircraft technique consists of buying a player at the minimum price, if possible with an appropriate style and a preferable position (the RW/LW are more popular than the RM/LM for example) and to make him increase to 99 fitness by applying consumables.

We recommend that you use this technique only when you have a large capital, around 350,000/400,000 coins. To successfully operate this technique must comply with the following instructions:

  • Have +50% contract modifier (14 trainers rare gold + 8 not rare)
  • Buy the player at the lowest price and focus on the Shadow and Hunter chemistry styles as well as position changes
  • Apply contracts to reach 99

Also apply this scale to determine your selling prices:

Buying Price (Card + Consumables)

Selling Price


10,000 - 20,000

13,000 - 24,000


20,000 - 30,000

24,000 - 35,000

2,500 - 3,000

30,000 - 40,000

35,000 - 46,000

3,000 - 4,000

40,000 - 50,000

46,000 - 58,000

4,000 - 5,000

50,000 - 60,000

58,000 - 70,000

5,000 - 6,000

60,000 - 70,000

70,000 - 81,000

6,000 - 7,000

70,000 - 80,000

81,000 - 92,000

7,000 - 8,000

80,000 - 90,000

92,000 - 104,000

8,000 - 9,000

90,000 - 100,000

104,000 - 116,000

9,000 - 10,000

100,000 - 110,000

116,00 - 128,000

10,000 - 11,000

110,000 - 120,000

128,000 - 139,000

11,000 - 12,000

120,000 - 130,000

139,000 - 150,000

12,000 - 13,000

130,000 - 140,000

15,000 - 162,000

13,000 - 14,000

140,000 - 150,000

162,000 - 173,000

14,000 - 15,000

150,000 - 160,000

173,000 - 185,000

15,000 - 16,000

160,000 - 170,000

185,000 - 196,000

16,000 - 17,000

170,000 - 180,000

196,000 - 208,000

17,000 - 18,000

180,000 - 190,000

208,000 - 219,000

18,000 - 19,000

190,000 - 200,000

219,000 - 231,000

19,000 - 20,000

200,000 - 300,000

231,000 - 347,000

20,000 - 30,000

300,000 - 400,000

347,000 - 462,000

30,000 - 40,000

400,000 - 500,000

462,000 - 578,000

40,000 - 50,000

500,000 - 600,000

578,000 - 693,000

50,000 - 60,000

600,000 - 700,000

693,000 - 809,000

60,000 - 70,000

700,000 - 800,000

809,000 - 924,000

70,000 - 80,000

800,000 - 900,000

924,000 - 1,000,000

80,000 - 90,000

900,000 - 1,000,000

1,000,000 - 1,200,000

90,000 - 100,000

Sales in aircraft technique are more difficult and you will probably have to re-list several times before selling your cards.Therefore, this technique should only be used with more expensive players whose value is not likely to fluctuate much to limit the risks.

You can mitigate price fluctuation risks by never buying several copies of the same player, instead buying another as soon as it is sold. On the other hand, the number of cards you can invest on is limited only by the size of your transfer list.

That's it, you now know the main techniques to earn coins on FIFA Ultimate Team through resale purchasing. The path to wealth begins now and remember, patience is the key to becoming an expert in the field.

Written by Marshall Gunner. Translated from French by Ben Sledge.

All about FUT Champions and competitive mode rewards

Ultimate Team's most competitive mode is back on FUT 20. Although there have been no major changes for this season, it is important to review how this mode works and how to be as efficient as possible and revisiting those all-important rewards.

Players from TOTW 4, Immobile, Dybala, Pallois, available in packs now

The fourth Team of the Week has been unveiled by EA Sports. Find stars such as Immobile (87), Dybala (89), Bergwijn (84), and Pallois (82) in packs from 11 am PDT.

Marshall Gunner