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Final Fantasy 7 Remake gets special FFXIV: Shadowbringers crossover theme for PS4

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Guides, News, Tips & Solutions
Final Fantasy 7 Remake gets special FFXIV: Shadowbringers crossover theme for PS4

Square Enix, king of pre-release goodies, offer a new pre-order bonus for Final Fantasy 7 Remake in collaboration with FF14 Shadowbringers.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake gets special FFXIV: Shadowbringers crossover theme for PS4

In order to unlock this dynamic new Final Fantasy VII Remake theme, you'll need to meet several conditions.

  1. First of all, you must own Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers,
  2. then you must have pre-ordered FFVII Remake, to be able to download it thanks to the link available in the tweet below.

You can also have a small demo video of the famous theme: this last one chains some wallpapers of the two games according to the menu you are in. This makes an extra pre-order bonus for FFVII, whose communication is really starting to look like the one around Final Fantasy XV at the time, we let you judge if it's a good thing or not.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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