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FUT 21: Seasonal objectives

FUT 21: Seasonal objectives

New in FIFA 20, the seasonal objectives will still be good and present on FIFA 21 and FUT 21, so here is a summary of them.

FUT 21: Seasonal objectives

Introduced last season, Seasonal Objectives are now an integral part of FIFA. For those who haven't played FIFA 20 and FUT 20, here's a reminder of what Seasonal Objectives are.

During the FIFA 21 cycle, several season will take place where you will have to accomplish challenges of all kinds in order to earn XP, which results in earning a variety of rewards for Ultimate Team.

This addition gives a real interest in the objectives and will therefore allow players to obtain rewards such as special cards, consumables, packs or even customization items without having to spend money on FIFA Points.

The first FIFA 21 Team of the Week is LIVE!

The first FIFA 21 Ultimate Team Team of the Week (TOTW) has been unveiled by EA Sports! Find, Ben Yedder (86), Suarez (88), Vardy (87) and many others.


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