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Pokémon Unite: New Holowear skins coming for Pikachu, Eldegoss and Snorlax

Pokémon Unite: All Guides & Builds
Pokémon Unite: New Holowear skins coming for Pikachu, Eldegoss and Snorlax

The latest Pokémon Unite patch not only rebalanced certain Pokémon, it also added three new skins for Pikachu, Eldegoss, and Snorlax.

Pokémon Unite: New Holowear skins coming for Pikachu, Eldegoss and Snorlax

To accompany the latest update to Pokémon Unite, the Holowear store has three new outfits for Eldegoss, Snorlax, and Pikachu.

To remind you, there are three types of Holowear in the game:

  • Basic: Only changes the appearance of the Pokémon,
  • Intermediate: Changes the appearance and KO animation of the Pokémon
  • Premium: Change the appearance, and following animations: KO, recall, scoring, move use

Snorlax: Berry Style

This new skin is available for purchase for 60 Holowear Tickets through Zirco Trading.

As you can see, Snorlax turns into an appetizing Sitrus Berry.

Snorlax: Berry Style - Pokémon Unite
Snorlax: Berry Style

Eldegoss: Fashionable Style

The the first skin for the ultimate healing Pokémon, players can get this new look for Eldegoss for 350 Aeos Gems or 18 Holowear Tickets.

Eldegoss: Fashionable Style - Pokémon Unite
Eldegoss: Fashionable Style

Pikachu: Fashionable Style

Another to get the Fashionable Style treatment, this Pikachu skin is available in the store for 400 Aeos Gems.

Pokémon Unite

All three skins are now available to purchase. For full changes in the patch, see the link below.

Original content: MGG France

Pokémon Unite: August 16 patch nerfs Snorlax and buffs Garchomp

Here's what balance changes are coming to Pokémon Unite in the latest patch.

José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

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