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WoW WotLK: Blizzard is adding one of the most requested features to the game!

WoW WotLK: Blizzard is adding one of the most requested features to the game!

While it was thought that World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion would not undergo any major changes until its very soon deployment, Blizzard surprised its players this Wednesday by integrating one of the most anticipated features of this version of the game!

As the official rollout of World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion is upon us and the absence (or addition) of certain features is still widely debated among the community, Blizzard has chosen to roll out the one of the great absentees with the restart of the kingdoms on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. News that will undoubtedly delight most players!

An unexpected decision

After a fierce fight by part of the community against Blizzard, PvP players will finally have won their case just two weeks before the deployment of the most awaited expansion for Classic fans. No, you're not dreaming, the tool to find a random group for any battleground has finally appeared on Wrath of the Lich King Classic!

Now, players wishing to queue for a battleground can do so through a "new" dedicated interface, from any location. Warmasters naturally remain available in their usual locations.

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic

This surprising and very sudden decision appeared without prior communication from the publisher with the weekly maintenance on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. With the arrival of the PrePatch, many players were indeed asking to be able to do something else while they waited. of a battlefield. Until now, it was necessary for them to line up with one of the warmasters in a capital and do nothing else since when leaving the said battlefield they found themselves teleported to the master of war that had lined them up. An ordeal widely decried by the gaming community!

Two measuring weights?

On the sidelines of this re-novelty, some PvE players and those who want to level up multiple characters feel wronged. Some believe that Blizzard is being hypocritical with the integration of this PvP-exclusive feature since what some call "RDF", the random dungeon finder, has been announced as removed from the Classic version of the game. (although it was deployed in Patch 3.3.3 at the time). The reason ? It is quite vague, in short it would be to not interfere with the immersion of the players and to keep the regions of Azeroth alive and populated. Promote social interactions what!

And that's the whole problem with the "RDF": the players would find themselves crowded into the capitals and would spend their time chaining the dungeons to raise their levels (including in Northrend). Some solutions exist nevertheless in order to integrate it without harming the game: proposing a version of the "RDF" which would not teleport the players directly to the dungeons would be our favorite for example. Instead, he could offer them a random dungeon among those available in their level range with a bonus to experience if they complete it completely, but still force them to go there on their own. In this way, the immersion would remain identical and they could have access to a version of this tool appropriate to the operation that Blizzard wishes to maintain on its MMORPG.

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic

The random dungeon finder is historically one of the most controversial points in World of Warcraft. It has arguably garnered the most reviews on its own since it was introduced many years ago, with fans of early versions of the game regretting ever since that...the game's immersion and social aspect were destroyed. through it! Like what ! It is of course not the only element of the modern version of the game which is criticized, but it crystallizes on its own some of the strongest criticisms for very long years. This tool even quickly became, for some, the element that marked the transition to a new era for World of Warcraft, then justifying in 2019 the deployment of a "Classic" version of the game purified of the supposed "infamous novelties" proposed to the over the years in the modern game and allowing nostalgics to play "like back in the day". Or to believe that they play as they did back then, depending on preference!

One thing seems certain for the moment: the random dungeon search tool is still not planned to land one day in the Classic version of WoW. But this news about battlegrounds alone proves that you never really know what to expect with Blizzard... Could a reworked version of this tool see the light of day? The weeks to come will tell us!

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!