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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: How to defeat Malboro in Hard Mode

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: Chapter by Chapter
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: How to defeat Malboro in Hard Mode

Are you hunting that platinum trophy in Final Fantasy VII Remake? Our guide takes the fight to the Malboro, a unique enemy in Hard Mode.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: How to defeat Malboro in Hard Mode

We have already seen it many times, Final Fantasy VII Remake asks the trophy hunters to redo the game several times in order to collect all the dresses and all the manuscript for the weapons skills, but also the 4 ennemy skills to get with their Materia.

One in particular it's difficult to get, since it's only available on the Malboro Boss, one of the legendary monsters of the Final Fantasy series. To combat it, go to chapter 17, in Hard Mode only.

Advance 5 to 10 minutes in the chapter before falling on Chadley and his combat reports, which will present you the ultimate simulator where you will be able to access the most complex arenas of the game, including the one that interests us here. Don't forget to equip the enemy skill Materia on one of your characters so that Bad Breath is learned.

Chosen team: Aerith, Tifa and Cloud.

Trio against Malboro

  • Recommended Materia: HP Up on the trio, lvl3 Healing on the trio, Cleansing on Aerith and all your best support and boost statistics.

Round 1 - Bomb: You've already come across it in combat normally, wait until it spits flames and goes out a bit to give it a heavy blow that will destabilize it. The operation is to be repeated 2 or 3 times but you should have no trouble getting through it.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Round 2 - Tonberry: This little guy is formidable, if he decides to kill you, he will do it all at once simply by snapping his fingers. The solution to finish it quickly is to attack it endlessly and hope that it makes a false movement to take advantage of it and increase its stagger gauge. Expect to lose a character or two during the fight.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Round 3 - Type-0 Behemoth: The toughest enemy of this series of encounters is clearly not the same fight as during the side quest. When it's unleashed after its howling, avoid contact and stay very far from the monster, while caring for your colleagues who, them, will not have the reflex to dodge it.

The objective remains the same as for your first meeting with him: destroy its front or rear part to cripple it, it remains dangerous even in this state, but you will have more openness to cause it damage and try to get into Stagger mode. Make all the necessary preparations to optimize this phase by following this guide.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Round 4 - Bomb and Tonberry: Take care of the bomb in the first place, much more mobile and annoying, then go over the little demon with the deadly blade. It"s a fairly easy intermediate fight but it can be expensive in MP, stay alert to be sure you have what it takes for the Malboro right after.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Combat against Malboro - Bad Breath enemy skill

The carnivorous plant is making a comeback and is rather nervous. So, the fight is not very difficult, but it will pull in the length and requires to regularly heal your teammates. The goal of the game is to make sure that a minimum of friends is not affected by bad breath, this technique inflicting almost all the penalties in the universe. Roll behind it and attack with Cloud. If it turns around and attacks you, you can swap to Tifa to go behind it while it’s engaged with Cloud.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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