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Outrider Legendary Armor Guide: Trickster

Outrider Legendary Armor Guide: Trickster

Each class in Outriders has four Legendary Equipment Sets – each providing unique bonuses. Here’s our guide on the sets for the Trickster

Outrider Legendary Armor Guide: Trickster

There are 16 Legendary Armor sets in Outriders – four for each class. Each set provides a unique bonus as long as at least three items are equipped. Here’s everything you need to know about the sets for the Trickster.

How to Get Legendary Armor

  • Complete 10 Monster Hunt quests – the tenth quest will reward you with a piece of legendary armor
  • Unlock Expeditions by completing the game – completing and Expedition rewards you with Drop Pod resources, which can be used to purchase legendary armor.

Chronosuit Set

Reverting time replenishes ammo in your clip.

Set Piece


Chronosuit Mask

Aggressive Teleportation: Borrowed Time
Strong Twist: Twisted Rounds

Upper Chronosuit

Death Shield: Borrowed Time
Additional Mag: Twisted Rounds

Chronosuit Gloves

Life Drain: Twisted Rounds

Short-Term Loan: Borrowed Time

Lower Chronosuit

Ammo Bargain: Twisted Rounds

Armor of Eons: Borrowed Time

Chronosuit Footgear

Shield of the Fallen: Twisted Rounds


Edge of Time Set

Increase damage for both Temporal Blade and Cyclone Slice.

Set Piece


Goggles of the Edge of Time

Double Slice: Temporal Blade

Armor of the Edge of Time

Rebound: Cyclone Slice
Wind Slash: Cyclone Slice

Gloves of the Edge of Time

Life of the Party

Cut Loose: Temporal Blade

Pants of the Edge of Time

Ultimate Duration: Cyclone Slice

Strong Slice: Temporal Blade

Footwear of the Edge of Time

Temporal Armor: Temporal Blade

Double Stop: Temporal Blade

Trespasser Set

Player can’t die while inside the Slow Trap.

Set Piece


Trespasser's Cowl

Delivery on Time: Slow Trap
Long Range: Time Rift

Trespasser's Armor

Damage Mitigation: Slow Trap

Ultimate Big Range: Slow Trap

Trespasser's Talons

Trespasser's Britches

And Another One: Time Rift

A Little Bit of Pain: Time Rift

Trespasser's Boots

Ugake Otarah Set

Hunt the Prey does not consume cooldown when teleporting behind an enemy marked with Venator's Knife.

Set Piece


Ugakeh Otarah's Cowl

Instant Reload: Hunt the Prey

Eager Edges: Venator's Knife

Ugakeh Otarah's Talisman

Sniper Blades: Venator's Knife

Dance of Death: Hunt the Prey

Ugakeh Otarah's Arm Wraps

Ready For Anything

Backstabber: Hunt the Prey

Ugakeh Otarah's Waistcloth

Boomerang Blades: Venator's Knife
Timeblast: Hunt the Prey

Ugakeh Otarah's Boots

Not Impressed

Sharpening: Venator's Knife

Trickster Build Guide: Weapons, Armor & Skills

This guide tells you all you need to know about the Trickster class in Outriders, including optimal build, which weapons and armor to use, and which skills to pick up.


Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.