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Outriders Beginners Guide: Getting Started

Outriders Beginners Guide: Getting Started

We've put together this guide with tips and advice to help you get started in Outriders, the latest co-op shooter from Square Enix and People Can Fly.

Outriders Beginners Guide: Getting Started

When you start a new game of Outriders, it’s important to know what you’re getting in to – and to make the right choices so that you can survive Enoch. We’ve created this beginners guide to help you get off on the right foot!

Choosing Your Class

Following the Prologue, the first – and possibly most important – choice you’ll have to make is which class you’ll be playing. You won’t be able to switch classes later in the game, so this isn’t something to be taken lightly. You won’t learn about the skills and class trees before making this choice, so take a look at our class guides to ensure you make the best decision!

Crafting and Upgrading

It’s important to improve your equipment and armor in Outriders – so make sure you complete the quest to rescue Dr Zahedi as soon as you’re able to.



You’ll be able to improve stats and rarity, as well as add specific mods to legendary weapons.You won’t be able to do this at random moments, so before starting your next mission make sure to pay attention to what you’re using. 

Choosing Your Class Tree Branch 

Each class has three branches to choose from – each branch focuses on a different primary aspect. It’s important to decide which aspect works best for your playstyle and focus on specialising your character’s skills. Deciding whether Weapon Damage, Survival or Anomaly Power is what you’re going for early in-game will help immensely.


If you change your mind about which aspect you want to focus on, you can always reset your skill points and start over. 

Side Quests and Hunts

Though the main storyline has plenty to offer, side quests and hunts will help you gain an advantage early on – if you choose to complete them alongside the main story. With quality weapons and experience points to gain, make sure you don’t neglect these quests!



Side quests are repeatable, so you can obtain plenty of rewards – including legendary weapons. The experience you gain will also come in handy for increasing your World Tier.

Changing World Tiers

The World Tier system in Outriders dynamically progresses as you do - the higher the tier, the better the rewards, but it does become more difficult to progress with stringer opponents and monsters to fight. 

If you're having a tough time making progress you can reduce your World Tier to make it easier. 


Keep in mind though that the lower tiers mean lesser loot drops, so if you're looking for legendary and epic weapons your best bet is to play at the highest tier possible. 

Exploring the Map

There's lots to do and find in Outriders, and one of the things you need is resources. So make sure you check every nook and cranny, and collect everything possible. You'll find chests with weapons and armor, as well as things like Iron and Leather which you need to upgrade items. 

Vendors and Merchants in Enoch

There are eight Vendors in scattered throughout Enoch – you can buy weapons, armor and resources using Scrap currency. Vendors have a rotating supply, so it’s a good idea to check in regularly as you may well find some elite offers!



Make sure you have plenty of Scrap by killing enemies, completing quests and selling items you’re not using to Vendors.

So, now you're ready to venture in to Enoch knowing what you're doing. Make sure to check out all of our Outriders guides for more in depth content. 

Additional content by Camille"Effylia" Bouin.


Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.