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Outriders : Guides, walkthroughs and cheats

  • Guides
Outriders: Legendary Weapons List

If you’re wondering what legendary weapons you can get your hands on in Enoch, we’ve put together a complete list of all the legendary weapons currently available in Outriders

Outriders Builds, Weapons & Legendary Armor

Find all of our articles dedicated to Outriders class builds, with everything you need to know to optimize your gameplay and survive the toughest challenges of the People Can Fly title.

Outriders Guide: World Tiers

The World Tier in Outriders affects the level of difficulty you will face, as well as the level of loot you’ll be able to obtain. Here’s our guide on how it works.

Outriders Complete Trophy Guide

There are 44 trophies available in Outriders, and a lot of them are achievable through completing the main story. If you want to get 100% and platinum the game, you will have to complete the end-game.

How to farm legendaries in Outriders

The crème de la crème of Outriders is, of course, the legendary weapons and armor. However, it is not a simple task. In this guide, we explain how to optimize your legendary farm.

How to beat the Molten Acari

One of the first bosses you'll come across in Outriders, the Molten Acari can be hard to beat. Here's our guide on how to do just that!