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Outriders: Legendary Weapons List

Outriders: Legendary Weapons List

If you’re wondering what legendary weapons you can get your hands on in Enoch, we’ve put together a complete list of all the legendary weapons currently available in Outriders

Outriders: Legendary Weapons List

Loot in Outriders is dropped by enemies, found in chests, quest rewards or purchased from merchants. Each piece of equipment has one of five rarity levels: common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary.

Legendary weapons have various bonus attributes that provide additional buffs when equipped – the higher the level, the higher the bonus. Legendary weapons also have Tier 3 mods which provide a little something extra, depending on what you have equipped.

We’ve put together a list of Legendary Weapons currently available in Outriders, and will update it as more are added.

The stats are arranged as follows: Clip Size/RPM/Reload(s)/Crit Multiplier(%)

Assault Rifles

Absolute Zero


Ultimate Freezing Bullets: Shots inflict Freeze on enemies

Improved Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies

Heir to the Desert


Sandstorm: Shots conjure a sandstorm, dealing 232 619 damage over 5 seconds

Vortex Chamber: Reloading a weapon inflicts Slow on enemies previously wounded by this weapon without changing it

Inferno Seed


Wrath of Moloch: Critical hits cause an explosion, dealing 161 541 damage and inflicting Burn on enemies within a 5 meter radius

Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo

Master Tool


Dome of Protection: Killing shots summon a bullet-stopping dome for 5 seconds

Perpetuum Mobile: You instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your magazine

The Juggler


Scrap Grenade: First shot after reload becomes an Anomaly projectile, dealing 226 157 damage in a 5 meter radius

Minefield (Mod): Killing shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals 58 155 damage in a 5 meter radius



Ultimate Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing 74 309 damage

Striga: 30% of critical damage is returned to you as Health

Time Ripper


Ultimate Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow on enemies

Gravedigger's Frenzy: Critical Shots increase your Critical Damage by 50% for 5 seconds

Voodoo Matchmaker


Ultimate Damage Link: Shots link up to 4 enemies, sharing 40% of their Weapon Damage dealt and 20% of their Anomaly Damage dealt

Double Guns

Amber Vault


Killing Spree: Killing shots increase damage by 25% for this weapon for 20 seconds. Bonus deteriorates with time and stacks up to 3 kills

Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo



Deadly Disturbance: Critical shots activate an unstable Anomaly effect in your enemy causing him to explode, dealing X damage to other enemies within a 5 meter radius

Anomaly Surge: Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals 40 385 damage in a 2 meter radius. | 1s

Lucky Jinx


Ultimate Toxic Bullets: Shots inflict Toxic on enemies

Perpetuum Mobile: You instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your magazine.

Shelrog's Excrescence


Ultimate Burning Bullets: Shots inflict Burn on enemies

Hot Blood: Shots pass through enemies whose Health is below 50%, ricocheting to 3 enemies within a 5 meter radius and inflicting Burn

Light Machine Guns

Damascus Offering


Claymore Torrent: Shots damage 4 enemies within a 6 meter radius with Anomaly blades, dealing X damage

Anomaly Enhancement: Receive a passive Firepower boost equal to 30% of your Anomaly Power

Grim Marrow


Singularity: Killing shots create an Anomaly singularity. When destroyed, the singularity explodes dealing 465 238 damage to enemies within a 6.5 meter radius

Crematorium: Killing shots create an explosion that inflicts Ash on enemies within a 7 meter radius

Roaring Umbra


Kinetic Stomp: Shots create a seismic shock around you, dealing X damage in 5 meter radius

Clip Roller: When your magazine has 50% or less ammo left, you can roll to quickly reload all your equipped weapons

The Reaper


Ultimate Weakening Bullets: Shots inflict Weakness on enemies

Death Chains: Shots entangle an enemy with chains dealing 193 849 damage over 3 seconds

Pistols & Revolvers



Strings of Gauss: Shots link up to 5 enemies in a 5 meter radius of the target and deal 79 155 electric damage to each of them

Soul Devourer: Killing shots regenerate some of your health



Pinball: Every critical Shot ricochets to 4 enemies with a 5 meter radius, dealing weapon's double base damage

Critical Point: Increases the chance of scoring a critical shot by 15%.

Torment & Agony


Judgement Enforcer: Shots mark enemies. When reloading, deal 3 times your weapon's damage to every marked enemy. Marks are removed when you change weapons

Clip Combustion: Reloading weapon creates a shockwave, dealing 96 925 damage to enemies within a 5 meter radius

Bolt & Thunder


Strings of Gauss: Shots link up to 5 enemies in a 5 meter radius of the target and deal 79 155 electric damage to each of them

Damage Link: Shots link up to 4 enemies, sharing 30% of their Weapon Damage dealt and 10% of their Anomaly Damage dealt




Burst of Decay: Critical shots cause explosions that inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5 meter radius

Resistance Breaker: Shots decrease your target's Resistance by 35% for 6 seconds

Molten Eidola


Ravenous Locust: Shots create a swarm of locusts, dealing 258 466 damage over 10 seconds and inflicting Weakness to enemies remaining within a 6 meter radius of the target

Brain-eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo

Rarog's Gaze


Weakness Trap: Shots cause explosions, dealing 58 155 damage and inflicting Weakness on enemies within a 5 meter radius of the target

Anomaly Enhancement: Receive a passive Firepower boost equal to 30% of your Anomaly Power

Twisted Mercy


Ultimate Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable on enemies

Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo

Pump Action Shotguns

The Guillotine


Radiation Splash: Reloading causes a small explosion that inflicts Vulnerable and deals 122 771 damage to enemies within a 5 meter radius

Minefield (Mod): Killing shots spawn explosives around your target, each deals 58 155 damage in a 5 meter radius

Aerie Master


Weightlessness: Shots inflict Time Rift on enemies. Time Rift raises the enemy into the air for 5 seconds

Critical Point: Increases the chance of scoring a critical shot by 15%

Anomaly Effigy


Concentration Blast: Killing shots cause enemies to explode dealing 113 079 damage multiplied by the maximum number of 6 enemies within a 5 meter radius around the the original target

Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing 74 309 damage

Body Snatcher


Body Snatcher: Killing shots teleport another enemy to the place where the previous one died. Works within a 25 meter radius of the target

Enoch's Blessing


Life and Death: Killing shots create a blast that restores 33% of Max Health to players

Gravedigger's Frenzy: Critical Shots increase your Critical Damage by 50% for 5 seconds

Golem's Limb


Golem Rising: Killing shots grant you a protective Golem effect for 3 seconds

Bone Shrapnel: Killing shots detonate the enemy's bones and turn them into shrapnel that deals 203 542 damage and inflicts Bleed on enemies within a 5 meter radius

The High Roller


Embalmer's Rage: For 5 seconds after a killing shot all following shots will be critical shots

Clip Roller: When your magazine has 50% or less ammo left, you can roll to quickly reload all your equipped weapons

Darkness Charmer


Grand Opening: Landing a hit with the first bullet in a magazine creates a powerful explosion, dealing 258 466 damage in a 5 meter readius

Perpetuum Mobile: You instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with 35% or less ammo remaining in your magazine

Automatic Shotguns



Fortress: Receive up to 43% damage bonus based on your Armor

Striga: 30% of critical damage is returned to you as Health

Funeral Pyre


Shadow Comet: Shots call down a comet, dealing X damage to enemies within a 3.5 meter radius

Resistance Breaker: Shots decrease your target's Resistance by 35% for 6 seconds

The Anemoi


Moaning Winds: Reloading creates a strong blast around you, dealing 387 698 damage to enemies in range of 8 meters

Anomaly Surge: Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals 40 385 damage in a 2 meter radius

The Bulwark


Ultimate Bleeding Bullets: Shots inflict Bleed on enemies

Clip of Amalthea: There is a 30% chance that critical shots do not consume ammo

Submachine Guns

Fatal Symbiont


Dark Sacrifice: During combat, your weapon drains up to 50% of your Max Health, in exchange 75% Weapon Damage bonus

Striga: 30% of critical damage is returned to you as Health

The Daimyo


Ultimate Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning on an enemy dealing 74 309 damage

Improved Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow on enemies

The Migraine


Bomb's Ahead: Killing shots turn enemies into an Anomaly bomb, dealing 200 634 damage

The Wicker


Ultimate Ashen Bullets: Shots inflict Ash on enemies

Ricochet: Shots ricochet to another enemy within a 5 meter radius of the initial target

Automatic Sniper Rifles



Ultimate Anomaly Surge: Critical shots spawn an Anomaly energy blast that deals X damage in a 2 meter radius

Brain-Eater: Critical shots do not consume ammo



Anomaly Mutation: Shots on enemies afflicted by any status condition multiplicates and mutates it into a different one

Damage Link: Shots link up to 4 enemies, sharing 30% of their Weapon Damage dealt and 10% of their Anomaly Damage dealt

Bolt Action Rifles

The Headhunter


Burst of Decay: Critical shots cause explosions that inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5 meter radius

The Iceberg


Winter Blast: Critical shots create an icy blast that inflicts Freeze on enemies within a 4 meter radius

Icebreaker: Killing shots against frozen enemies make them explode, dealing 213 234 damage

The Landlubber


Legendary Minefield: Critical Shots spawn explosives around target, each deals X damage in a 5 meter radius

Fireworks: Shots create an explosion that deals 60 416 damage to enemies within a 6 meter radius

Spirit Hunter


Ultimate Bone Shrapnel: Criticial Shots detonate the enemy's bones and turning[sic] them into shrapnel that deals 203 542 damage and inflicts Bleed on enemies within a 5 meter radius

Bleeding Bullets: Shots inflict Bleed on an enemy


Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.