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Outriders patch 1.09 now available

Outriders patch 1.09 now available

The newest patch for Outriders implements a new "Region Based Matchmaking" option and improves other general issues.

Outriders patch 1.09 now available

Some hours ago, Outriders received a new update. This time, the improvements are more related to online functionality.

For example, now players can use a local matchmaking feature that will help with their game's connection. Also, the issues regarding players kicking other players at the end of Expeditions (basically, the "raids" of the game) has been fixed. Below are the official patch notes.

Patch notes:

  • Implemented a block that prevents players from kicking other players towards the end of an Expeditions session.
  • Implemented Region Based Matchmaking to improve the quality of multiplayer connections.
  • Updated the login signing in text to better reflect the current signing in process step.
  • Fixed crash and memory leak issues.

Perhaps the most interesting part, however, is what the developers said about Outriders' future. The team seems to be thinking how to make Legendary drops "less frustrating", improving the Stadia version of the game and fixing general sign in issues.

Also, they announced that "players can expect more frequent updates as we look to make the best possible Outriders experience."

You can check more about this by visiting the official post.

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Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.