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The Last of Us part 1: Beginner's guide, difficulty and tips

The Last of Us part 1: Beginner's guide, difficulty and tips

If The Last of Us part 1 remake has made you want to go on an adventure, here are all our tips and guides that will make your life easier, from choosing the difficulty to survival mode to the best methods of fight.

The Last of Us part 1: Beginner's guide, difficulty and tips

Released in June 2013 The Last of Us Part 1 is above all an adventure game with a story taking an important place in your experience, but if you want to make the most of this famous story, you should first be familiar with it. 'easy. What better way to have a good time than knowing the tips and tricks that make a game much better when you first discover it?

How to choose the difficulty in The Last of Us Part 1

There are 5 difficulty levels in The Last of us Part 1, from normal to grounded, each has its own tweaks and here's what you should expect. Important to note that the grounded mode is only available on PS3 if the dlc of the same name has been purchased, and that it is automatically included in the remastered version.

  • Easy : For beginners. Lots of ammo, crafting materials, melee weapons and healing items are present in the game. Also, the enemies are quite easy to kill.
  • Normal : For ordinary players. Resources spawn at a normal rate. Enemies are moderately strong. Edged melee weapons appear late in the game.
  • Difficult : For experienced players. Supply drops are rare, and uninfected enemies are more aggressive and often take cover. Powerful melee weapons, like the machete and hatchet, are almost never present.
  • Survivor : For players who want a big challenge. Resources are extremely scarce. Game hints, directions, and listen mode are disabled. All enemies do double damage. Powerful melee weapons rarely spawn. Also, all pick up items no longer flicker.
  • Grounded : For the most hardened of players. Provisions are almost non-existent. Listen mode is off. All enemies deal triple damage. The HUD is disabled. Mid-battle and checkpoints have been removed. Pickup items also do not appear to the player.

Unlock Survivor Mode Really Fast in The Last of Us Part 1

There are two ways to unlock survival mode on the game, normally you just need to complete the game on any difficulty to unlock this mode. Yet, you can also speedrun this unlock to do the whole game on this difficulty, right from the start.

To unlock survivor mode quickly, you will need to finish the first chapter on hard, save and then return to the main menu. You can then start a game in survivor mode for the rest of your journey.

How to defeat colossi easily in The Last of Us Part 1

Colossi are formidable enemies in the game and you'll come across enough of them to want to know how to kill them fast. Depending on your difficulty mode, the technique changes somewhat:

  • Difficulties easy, normal and hard: To defeat your colossus, arm yourself with a molotov cocktail, throw it directly at him, accompany it with a nail bomb and here is a dead colossus.
  • By surviving and grounded, the kill will quickly become more complicated since in addition to your explosive combos you will have to add at least one shotgun or shorty shot.

How to beat groups of clickers very easily in The Last of Us Part 1

Clickers are rarely scary, but when they are in a group wasting a lot of ammunition can quickly become redundant, however there are little tricks to get rid of them very quickly.

  • Make noise by throwing a brick, a bottle or any projectile to attract the clickers, once they are packed, throw your molotov cocktail to kill them all in one shot.
  • If you don't have a molotov on hand, the same technique is completely valid with a well-placed nail bomb.

Is it possible to hide corpses in The Last of Us Part 1?

Well, yeah ! You can indeed hide the bodies in a somewhat roundabout way, but for the less effective. Indeed to hide a corpse, you will first need a living target, when you arrive in the back of this one you will have the possibility of catching it and dragging it for 5 seconds. Take advantage of this time to take him to a hidden corner and finish him there, so the corpse is hidden and will not attract the attention of other enemies.

What are fire extinguishers for in The Last of Us Part 1?

You may have noticed them but there are many fire extinguishers in the levels of the game and these have two uses. Or at least two effects. Indeed when you shoot a fire extinguisher you will cause area damage to all nearby targets and you will also have a free smoke bomb.

Move silently in The Last of Us Part 1

There are three types of enemies that won't notice you when you have the right speed. The enemies concerned are the Clickers, the Colossi and the Runners in trance. To have the right speed you will have to model yourself on Joel's walking speed when he is aiming. You can go completely incognito.

When GTA San Andreas and Spider-Man merge!

Imagine two monstrous licenses, mix them together and you will necessarily get a little nugget. This is what happened with the very famous GTA San Andreas and the most recent Marvel's Spider-Man Resmastered which benefited from a brand new mod. We take stock with you.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!