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Pokémon GO: The Team GO Rocket Takeover event has begun

Pokémon GO: Guides and Tips
Pokémon GO: The Team GO Rocket Takeover event has begun

Prepare for trouble, Make it double! Team GO Rocket is back on Pokémon GO: more frequent appearance of grunt, shiny Skorupi, and much more!

Pokémon GO: The Team GO Rocket Takeover event has begun

It's going to be a dark weekend on Pokémon GO! From Friday, March 6th until Monday, March 9th, many bonuses related to Team GO Rocket will be available:

Team GO Rocket Invasion

An increase in Team GO Rocket activity, whether grunts or chiefs, is planned this Saturday from 2pm to 5pm! Here's what you can expect during these 3 hours of invasion:

  • Considerable increase in the number of Henchmen on the Pokestops.
  • Increased appearance of Team GO Rocket Leaders, and the return of their old, shafow Pokémon : Meowth, Stantler, Scyther, Bagon, Sneasel and Absol
  • Stardust x2 for each defeated Grunt or Leader
  • Mysterious Component doubled for each defeated Grunt (2 instead of 1)
  • Team GO Rocket theme in in-game music
  • Using a Charged TM can change the Shadow Pokémon's "Frustation" move (Caution: if you purify this Pokémon, it will learn the "Return" attack).
Pokemon GO

Exclusive quests for the 3 hours of invasion

  • Battle 1 Team GO Rocket Grunt: Ekans, Meowth, Koffing or Star Piece
  • Battle 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts: Skorupi, Purrloin, 1000 stardust
  • Battle 1 Team GO Rocket Leader: 3 rare candies
Pokemon GO

Darkrai Raids

On the occasion of the event, Darkrai is back in the Raids! Other Pokémon of the Dark and Poison types join him for the weekend.

Spawn rate increased

Poison and Dark Pokémon and other Pokémon related to Team GO Rocket will appear more frequently in the wild:

  • Sandshrew
  • Zubat
  • Tentacool
  • Grimer
  • Cubone
  • Koffing
  • Sneasel
  • Houndour
  • Poochyena
  • Absol
  • Skorupi
  • Trubbish
Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

Note that Skorupi will be available for the first time in its shiny form!

Pokémon Europe International Championships Canceled due to Coronavirus

The Coronavirus is definitely becoming more and more frightening and many videogame events are cancelling. This is the case of the International Pokémon Championship, which was scheduled to take place in Berlin next month.


Rédacteur Pokémon. Aime bien les jeux Nintendo et les roguelikes (trop facile).