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Pokémon Europe International Championships Canceled due to Coronavirus

Pokémon Sword and Shield — All Guides
Pokémon Europe International Championships Canceled due to Coronavirus

The Coronavirus is definitely becoming more and more frightening and many videogame events are cancelling. This is the case of the International Pokémon Championship, which was scheduled to take place in Berlin next month.

Pokémon Europe International Championships Canceled due to Coronavirus

It's official, the International Pokémon European Championship will not take place because of the Coronavirus. The announcement has been made on the official Pokémon website and the PlayPokémon Twitter account.

The competition was scheduled to take place at the Berlin Congress Center in Berlin, Germany, on 17, 18 and 19 April.

The press release emphasizes that this decision was not taken lightly and was made for the good of all.

While there have been no reports directly linking any cases of the virus with our events, the safety and well-being of our community, both competitors and organizers, is our top priority.
Pokémon (Source)

Currently, there are no plans to postpone or cancel the 2020 Pokémon North America International Championships or 2020 Pokémon World Championships.

Pokemon: The 2020 Pokémon World Championships will be held in London!

Trainers! The next Pokémon World Championships will be held in London in August 2020. It's a great opportunity to go watch the battles for VGC, TCG, and Pokkén Tournament glory!

Camille Chabroud

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