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9 million downloads for Pokemon Unite on Switch

9 million downloads for Pokemon Unite on Switch

Pokémon Unite reaches 9 million downloads on Nintendo Switch. The Pokemon MOBA continues its ascent a few days before its mobile release.

9 million downloads for Pokemon Unite on Switch

We are about to see the game's release on mobile and the official Twitter shared that the Nintendo Switch version of Pokemon Unite has reached the mark of 9 million downloads. To celebrate, players logging in after September 29 will be able to get 2,000 Aeos tickets.

The Pokemon MOBA has got the attention of a huge amount of players but it remains to be seen how the mobile version will perform. This release comes on September 22nd, and had already reached 5 million pre-registrations on September 1st. We also remind you that this does not represent the active part of the community that plays the game on a regular basis.


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