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Pokemon GO: Shadow Pokemon, rumors & leaks

Pokémon GO: Guides and Tips
Pokemon GO: Shadow Pokemon, rumors & leaks

According to files found during a datamining of patches 0.147.0 and 0.147.1, Shadow Pokémon may just be heading to Niantic's mobile game...

Pokemon GO: Shadow Pokemon, rumors & leaks

A specialist in datamining Pokemon GO, Twitter user Chrales now appears to have discovered files that relate to a new 'purified' status of Pokémon classification.

Die-hard fans of the series may well know that this relates to a special category of creatures — Shadow Pokémon — something that has been heavily speculated upon since Chrales' initial tweet dropped.

According to the lore, these are Pokémon who are used for nefarious means, and are created by having "the doors to their hearts shut artificially" by Cipher — a Villainous Team from the Orre region and the main antagonists of Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. The aim of the player was to capture these Pokémon and 'cleanse' them of their Darkness.

The datamining notes also refer to a new item, the Route Maker, although little is known at this stage. Three new moves are also mentioned, Frustration, Return, and Synchronoise.

Also referenced is a new method of gameplay, Invasion, which appears to have a link to the infamous Team Rocket. This is supported by new quest lines, Battle Team Rocket and the aforementioned Purify Pokémon.

The Shadow Pokémon theory, like all rumours and supposed leaks, should be taken with a pinch of salt at this stage, and although heavily suggestive, this 'purified' status could relate to something else entirely — maybe even the inclusion of attacks that cause status changes, such as poison or confusion. After all, Niantic have recently included stat-boosting moves such as Ancient Power, Ominous Wind, and Silver Wind.

However, if the Shadow form rumours prove to be true, then we're certainly excited to see an entirely new mechanic come to Pokémon GO!

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.