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Pokemon GO: How to catch and purify Shadow Pokemon

Pokémon GO: Guides and Tips
Pokemon GO: How to catch and purify Shadow Pokemon

The nefarious Team Rocket are taking over PokéStops armed with their Shadow Pokémon, and you have to stop them!

Pokemon GO: How to catch and purify Shadow Pokemon

UPDATE: August 1

New Shadow Pokémon are now available in the game:

  • Poliwag
  • Grimer
  • Muk
  • Drowzee
  • Hypno
  • Cubone
  • Scyther
  • Magikarp
  • Houndoor
  • Houndoom
  • Ralts (coming soon)

It has been confirmed that Shadow Pokémon cannot learn special Community Day moves. However, they can do so only after they are purified.

Original Article

Following the many teasers revealed during the Pokemon GO Fest in Dortmund, Team Rocket have finally landed!

As well as having to defeat Rocket Grunts in a form of PvE content, they also bring with them an all-new classification of Pokémon.

Shadow Pokémon are those who have had the doors to their hearts closed artificially by Team Rocket, as a result becoming soulless fighting machines. Your task will be to rescue and purify them!

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Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

Images courtesy of

How do you catch a Shadow Pokémon?

If you pay close attention to the map, you will see PokéStops behaving erratically, shaking and with an ominous purple colour. These are Stops that have been commandeered by a Team Rocket Grunt.

As you approach, you'll see the Rocket livery appear above it, and spinning it will lead you to an encounter. Beat the Grunt in combat (quite like PvP), and you'll have the chance to capture their Shadow Pokémon.

Purifying Pokémon

Once captured, you have the option of purifying the Shadow Pokémon. This costs Stardust and Candy, and all you need to do is click the button above the 'Power Up' button.

Purifying Pokémon will cause its stats to increase, it will level up, and learn the Normal-Type move Return. Given the increase is 2 per stat (Attack, Defense, HP), you could end up with a 100% IV Pokémon!

The following Shadow Pokémon are live:

















Ralts (coming soon)

More Shadow Pokémon have been datamined in the game files, but are not as yet available in the game.

Also found by dataminer Chrales were six new Badges relating to the event.

Pokemon GO
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David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.