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LoL Wild Rift: Rakan Support Build Guide

LoL Wild Rift: Rakan Support Build Guide

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Spell Order. Read on for all you need to know to play Rakan, the Chamer, in League of Legends Wild Rift.

LoL Wild Rift: Rakan Support Build Guide

Just picked up Rakan in Wild RIft and not quite sure how he should be played? Don't worry, just read on for our guide on the Charmer and you'll make an ideal botlane partner in no time at all!


Font of Life


Hunter - Titan

Hunter - Genius

Rakan players will often look to land a bunch of AoE cc on a group of enemy champions, and you'll need a relatively tanky build to do so. Font of Life compliments what you're trying to do with this champion nicely and even grants a bit of added health regeneration to your allies, while Weakness, in red, increases the amount of pressure you can exert on the enemy you're targeting.

As rakan is suited to either a roaming or a lane-focused playstyle, he's a great fit for the Hunter runes, which we've selected in both the green and blue slots.

Hunter - Titan is the perfect compliment to Font of Life, whereas Hunter- Genius allows you to be even more mobile at the end of the game, thanks to the Cooldown Reduction it offers.


Here is the optimal skill order for Rakan. Max out his abilities as outlined below, though make sure you put points into his ultimate whenever the opportunity arises.

Wild Rift

Summoner Spells

Wild Rift
Wild Rift

Starting Items and Boots

Starting Item

Optimal Boots

Main Items

The items you buy will vary heavily from game to game and is entirely dependant on the composition the enemy team is running. We've put together a list of the best items for Rakan, ranked by their importance. Items in bold are must-haves that you'll end up buying in most, if not all, or your matches on this champion.

1. Protector's Vow

2. Zeke's convergence

3. Enchantment Boots - Redemption

4. Ardent Censer

5. Harmonic Echo

Tips & Tricks

  • Rakan is a champion that dashes from champion to champion, buffing his allies and crowd-controlling his enemies. You should be using Battle Dance as often as you can to speed between enemies. Spring out of a bush towards an even with your first use of Battle Dance, then return to your team with its second charge. Take note that you don't exceed the five-second window between Battle Dance activations.
  • Don't give your enemies any time to react to your ultimate, The Quickness, by activating before you leap into the fight. This will make it so that your enemies are instantly charmed by your dashes.
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Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.