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LoL Wild Rift: Xayah ADC Build Guide

LoL Wild Rift: Xayah ADC Build Guide

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Spell Order. Read on for all you need to know to play Xayah, the Rebel, in League of Legends Wild Rift.

LoL Wild Rift: Xayah ADC Build Guide

Just picked up Xayah in Wild Rift and not quite sure what you should be doing? Don't worry, just read on for our guide to the Rebel and you'll be the ideal botlane carry in no time at all!



Gathering Storm


Sweet Tooth

Xayah behaves like a typical Marksman in the majority of fights, with her goal keeping her distance and poking the enemy frontline, then setting up to land lock down your enemies with Bladecaller. Xayah therefore has to be able to stay in the fight for quite a long time, making Conqueror the best choice for the Rebel.

As for Gathering Storm, the de facto best choice for AD Carries in red, there really isn't much more that can be said. It's fair and away the best rune for helping you to scale into the late game. Loyalty suits what Xayah is trying to do perfectly, even more so if your support is Rakan, who really benefits from staying close to this champion.

Finally, Sweet Tooth offers you some handy sustain in the form of sweets that will spawn periodically under your tower.


Here is the optimal skill order for Xayah. Max out her abilities in the order seen in the graphic below, making sure you rank up her ultimate whenever the opportunity arises.

Note: If your support is anyone besides Rakan, you must take Double Daggers at Level 1. However, if Rakan is your partner in the botlane, it's often a better idea to make the most of your synergy an take Deadly Plumage to start the game.

Wild Rift

Summoner Spells

Wild Rift
Wild Rift

Starting Items and Boots

Starting Item

Optimal Boots

Main Items

The items you buy during a match will vary heavily from game to game and your decisions will be influenced by the enemy team's composition. We've put together a list of the best items for Xayah, ranked by importance. Items in bold are essential purchases that you'll pick up in most, if not all, of your matches on this champion.

1. Infinity Edge

2. Rapid Firecannon

3. Phantom Dancer

4. Mortal Reminder

5. Enchant Boots - Quicksilver

Tips & Tricks

  • The secret to winning your lane as Xayah lies in mastering her passive, Clean Cuts. If you manage to position yourself correctly when last-hitting minions, it will let you deal decent damage to enemy champions in the blast range.
  • Double Dagger is a fairly disappointing poke, though it can be used to quickly through out a bunch of feathers to ensure that you can lock down your enemies with Bladecaller.
  • Once you've unlocked your ultimate, Featherstorm, it's often a good idea to hold on to your Bladecaller, then use it post-ult to ensure that you hit more enemies with its root.
How to Play Rakan Support in Wild Rift

Items, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Spell Order. Read on for all you need to know to play Rakan, the Chamer, in League of Legends Wild Rift.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.