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How to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault in Warzone

How to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault in Warzone

As part of Warzone Season 3 Reloaded, Nakatomi Plaza from Die Hard has been added as a new point of interest. Find out how to open the vault in this guide.

How to open the Nakatomi Plaza vault in Warzone

Warzone Season 3 Reloaded has gone live across all platforms and as part of the 80s action heroes theme, Nakatomi Plaza from Die Hard has been added as a brand-new point of interest, making it the tallest building in Downtown Verdansk.

On the 31st floor of the building is a locked vault that contains a wide variety of high-tier loot.

Here's how to open the doors to the treasure!

How To Open Nakatomi Plaza Vault On Warzone

Like many of the locked doors that have featured in Warzone, a keycard is required to open the vault.

To get hold of a keycard, activate an "Unfinished Business" contract that can be found at the bottom of the building. Once the contract begins, players will have to open three Supply Boxes, with the third dropping the keycard.

With the keycard equipped, head to the 31st floor and use the card on the computer terminal outside of the vault entrance. The door will slowly open, revealing the loot inside.

The vault is full of cash, legendary Supply Boxes, and locked deposit boxes that can also be opened.

How To Open Warzone Nakatomi Plaza Deposit Boxes

Like opening the vault itself, keycards are needed to open the deposit boxes.

The other keycards can be earned by completing other missions around the Plaza.

One keycard can be gained by disarming the C4 on the rooftop, and another can be earned by activating the Arms Deal NPC event outside.

With both cards acquired, the deposit boxes can be opened, unlocking a range of high-tier loot including Specialist Bonus Tokens and Advanced UAVs.

Warzone's Season 3 Reloaded update goes live, full patch notes

The second half of Season 3 for Warzone has begun. Find the full list of patch notes detailing all the changes made to the battle royale in this article!

Jonno Nicholson

Head of Call of Duty & FIFA portals at Millenium US. Call of Duty esports extraordinaire.