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The best 725 Warzone loadout

The best 725 Warzone loadout

The 725 once dominated the Warzone meta, and it is still one of the strongest shotguns to use in the battle royale. Find the best attachments to equip and the best loadout for the weapon in this guide.

The best 725 Warzone loadout

Original content by "Patate"

The close-quarters metagame in Warzone is constantly evolving thanks to regular doses of weapon balancing implemented by Raven Software. One weapon that is rarely impacted by these changes is the 725 shotgun, a weapon synonymous with dealing a lethal one-two punch capable of eliminating an opponent in the blink of an eye.

Shotguns may have fallen out of favor but the immense power that the 725 possesses is still a force to be reckoned with on the streets of Verdansk and Rebirth Island.

Thanks to the Warzone Gunsmith, there are a number of attachment combinations that drastically improve the performance of the 725, but what exactly are the best Warzone 725 attachments to equip?

Warzone 725 Best Attachments

With minimal customization when it comes to ammunition, the 725 can be tweaked to improve levels of accuracy alongside damage output. Here are the best attachments to equip:

  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel: Sawed-off Barrel
  • Laser: Tac Laser
  • Stock: Sawed-off Stock
  • Ammunition: Slug Rounds

This particular set of attachments adds an element of stealth to an otherwise powerful weapon. More often than not, there is hardly any time to aim down the sights meaning hip-fire accuracy is key. Thanks to the Tac Laser, accuracy is drastically improved along with mobility.

Call of Duty: Warzone

Warzone 725 Loadout

To maximize the increased mobility that is provided by the best 725 Warzone attachments, we have chosen three Perks that will have players dominating the close-range meta in no time at all. Here are the best Perks to use:

  • Perk 1: Double Time
  • Perk 2: Overkill
  • Perk 3: Amped

This set of Perks is the standard combination that features in the Warzone meta. Double Time provides an increase in Tactical Sprint speed while Overkill gives players the choice to use two primary weapons in the same loadout.

Lastly is Amped. This particular Perk increases weapon swap speed, giving players the ability to swap between either an assault rifle or the 725.

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Jonno Nicholson

Head of Call of Duty & FIFA portals at Millenium US. Call of Duty esports extraordinaire.