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Here's how to kill the Ancestor Spirit in Elden Ring

Here's how to kill the Ancestor Spirit in Elden Ring

If you're looking to get the Ancestral Follower Ashes in Elden Ring you'll first need to defeat the Ancestor Spirit and here's our video and written guides on how to do so

The discovery of the first underground region of Elden Ring is a special moment in more ways than one, the place is awesome, but also very dangerous. From random arrows in the back to the local boss, that's not an easy zone.

Elden Ring

How to summon the Ancestor Spirit in Elden Ring

As you probably already suspect, you have to light the 8 braziers present in front of the steles, scattered throughout the area in order to activate the remains and be able to face the boss at the back of the temple. You can easily see where you are headed by taking a look at the stairs leading to the boss: there are also 8 braziers that will light up as you progress. If it's not already done, pick up the card at the foot of the stairs, on a corpse, in order to see more clearly.

Elden Ring

Where are the 8 braziers in Elden Ring

The area is not particularly large and the stelae are easy to spot, they are either on the edges of the map, i.e. at the foot of the cliff in the middle of the land, or at the edge of the cliff which overlooks the void. The others are usually on islands in the middle of the lake. Here is their precise position on the map to help you find them. Beware of spectral enemies who protect each stele, apart from the first, all the others are guarded. If you don't see anyone, they're in ambush.

Elden Ring


  • A summoning spirit capable of fighting from a distance is a great help in this fight. For example the Soldiers of Godrick.
  • Preparing a bow and arrow, spells, or other ranged attacks can help in this fight. The boss abuses his ability to fly. Throwing knives are also an option.

Fight against the Ancestor Spirit

  • This boss is not very difficult, but it is a bit frustrating. You have to accept the fact that it is not always possible to achieve it. Also don't try to cross the spectral fire that separates you when he is on the ground, it hurts a lot. It is better to let him come to the end, something he will do horns forward. Just back up a bit and then roll sideways at the right time to end up on his flanks, then you'll have the opportunity to attack him without too much risk.
  • Be prepared to roll sideways again if he flips around with a gore.
  • When he rears up on his hind legs to crush you, the solution is the same: a sideways roll at the right moment, which will give you the opportunity to counterattack.

Once defeated the boss will drop runes and the Ancestral Follower Ashes that will unlock a new summon for you equipped with a big bow.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!