Tombs of Terror was released a week ago, but we needed to wait until today to play the third wing of the Hearthstone's brand new solo mode. The fourth wing of Tombs of Terror is called the Halls of Origination.
- You will need to purchase this wing. It costs 700 gold pieces or $6.99 and is available from September 24th at 7pm
- Reno, Finley, Elise, and Brann are available to play it.
- Reaching the 5th boss for the first time awards you 3 Saviors of Uldum boosters.
Each wing in this PvE mode has a different twist. Here, when a minion takes damage it gains +1 Attack — something that will surely advantage high health and enraging minions such as the Gurubashi Berserker.
The Wing Boss: Icarax
Like all bosses from Tombs of Terror, Icarax has 300 HP. Yes, you read it well: 300. You don't have to worry about that since the game will remember the number of HP left to the boss — meaning that you'll eventually beat him after several attempts.
Each boss will have its hero power transforming when reaching a specific HP threshold:
300-200 → Commanding Scream
200-100 → Wrath Smash
100-0 → Hand of Defiance