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Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Our Guide to Dragon compositions

Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Our Guide to Dragon compositions

With the arrival of the Dragon tribe, Battlegrounds has never been so fiery. Here's a guide that will allow you to tame the celestial monsters.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Our Guide to Dragon compositions

Since patch 16.4, there are now 13 dragons playable in Battlegrounds. Their presence, as well as the 7 new heroes, honor the Year of the Dragon and of course Hearthstone's latest expansion: Descent of Dragons. Everything comes together to imagine taking on the role of Daenerys and going to war by riding one of the most powerful creatures in Azeroth. So, are they worthy of the legend?

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General Strategy

All levels of the tavern have been filled with dragons. And to accompany them, two new neutral minions who work in synergy with them. The first one is available in Early game, while the second one is available in the Late game. Nothing is really hard in the composition and everything is done rather naturally because you have a minimum of two dragons per pool. The difficulty lies mainly in the fact that you have to find some before the others. In addition to being new and popular, their number often makes you rely on them. It is not uncommon to change tactics in the middle of a game, understanding that other heroes have been better served.


Early game

The two minions available at this point in the game are pretty strong. Dragonspawn Lieutenant has good stats while Red Whelp already directs you towards a dragon composition. In fact, the first one is a safe choice, because if the sequel doesn't go as planned, his body will do the trick and he can be ejected later without remorse.

On the other hand, the second one is already a first bet, but it can quickly pay off if you can buy a dragon each time in your next turns. The damage points it can inflict on the opposing board is calibrated according to the number of dragons you own. This means that it can be very powerful in early games.

Then, the Tier 2 minion Glyph Guardian will be able to get rid of anyone thanks to his doubled attack power. So don't hesitate to take it, he can then kill big taunt minions that could be annoying in Mid/Late game. The Steward of Time isn't essential, it is better to take it to boost the damage of Red Whelp or after having frozen a tavern full of important dragons. Don't hesitate to choose other minions such as a Spawn of N'Zoth who are always very useful in the construction of your composition.


Mid game

Your board is strong and consistent, you have almost nothing but victories under your belt and you are sure to win your next duels. Hangry Dragon is the right minion for you. If you get off to a good start, he can quickly become very powerful. But just like his Bronze Warden sidekick, you have to find them quickly, preferably at the beginning of mid-game or even at the end of the early game.

Their choice is not very relevant at the end of the game given their stat and their abilities. Find them early, triple them and get out the popcorn. Drakonid Enforcer synergizes rather well with Bronze Warden, but he will generally be preferred in a Divine Shield composition where he can fully show his power. It is best to turn to Cobalt Scalebane, who is considered a transitional minion, and Herald of Flame. The latter must also be found early enough to be able to take advantage of his brutality in the face of minions who are not yet very powerful.


Late game

If there's one indispensable minion in your composition, it's Razorgore, the Untamed. If your board is mostly made up of dragons, its buff will be huge. Of course, just like its predecessors, being lucky enough to find it early will give you a good advantage. Don't linger too long on Murozond, his rather greedy Battlecry can make you lose crystals. You can always try: if your opponent also has a board full of dragons, luck may be on your side.

On the other hand, he can be useful in synergy, just as much as Twilight Emissary, with the excellent Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect. Thanks to any Battlecry, this technical minion can buff your entire board, given it's entirely made of Dragons. You'll be delighted to see your dragon stats increase as you chain up Zoobot or Menagerie Magicians for the extra buff.

Technical cards

Waxrider Togwaggle

Needless to say, his recruitment can be quite an asset. You just need to be sure you have enough dragons to buff him — and especially powerful dragons, able to make one or two trades before their demise. A triple of this minion in mid-game will already give you weight because it will allow you to gain +4/+4 for each victim.


Nadina the Red

Grant her Taunt with a Defender of Argus and you'll have a completely overpowered board. If you've already buffed your dragons then victory is near. If you run into the Drakonid Enforcer again, reconsider recruiting him, he could replace one of your still weak dragons. Don't miss this minion if you want to win.


Building a Dragon composition isn't something easy, but don't worry: along games, you'll eventually tame them!

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Voyageur des mondes perdus forerunners, je parle couramment le simlish, le parler noir et l'al bhed.