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Hearthstone: Descent of Dragons Complete Card List

Hearthstone: Descent of Dragons Complete Card List

Following the announcement of Hearthstone next expansion at BlizzCon 2019, a lot of cards have already been revealed. While some of them will be slowly unveiled during the next few weeks, you can already check the ones we know!

Hearthstone: Descent of Dragons Complete Card List

Descent of Dragons will be the next expansion of Hearthstone, and also the last of the Year of the Dragon. Following BlizzCon 2019, a bunch of new cards has already been announced, and the rest of the set is going to be unveiled by influencers and famous streamers along the next weeks. Do you want to start theorycrafting to build your decks around these new cards? Then this article is made for you.

If you want to follow day by day the card reveals, check our Descent of Dragons Card Schedule! We precisely crafted it to serve this purpose.


All cards have been revealed.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo