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New Pokémon Snap Trailer for Nintendo Switch

New Pokémon Snap Trailer for Nintendo Switch

Pokémon Snap returns on Nintendo Switch, and will allow you to discover your favorite creatures in the wild.

New Pokémon Snap Trailer for Nintendo Switch

The Pokémon Presents has been rich in news and among them we find a new game from the Pokémon Snap series. New Pokémon Snap will allow you to take pictures of your favorite pocket monsters by browsing places representative of their natural habitats.

As a reminder, the last Pokémon Snap released was on Wii, a reedition of the game of the N64 and since then no more game in the series has been revealed until today. The game will be available on Nintendo Switch but no release date is planned since the game is under development.

The principle of Pokémon Snap is to browse an island or different places to photograph the Pokémon you see. The route is imposed as in a rail-shooter.

Thanks to the trailer, we learn that the Pokémon of the 1st generation until the 8th generation will be integrated into the game. We do not know if they will all be but there are already some creatures such as Flambino, Friesian, Wailord, Pikachu or Emolga.

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Original content by Donovan"ZeroAk" Plault.

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