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Black Ops Cold War Zombies: Changes coming to Zombies

Black Ops Cold War Zombies: Changes coming to Zombies

Zombies mode for Black Ops Cold War will feature a small update on content fans are already familiar with. Find out about the different changes that will happen to weapons and equipment in our summary!

Black Ops Cold War Zombies: Changes coming to Zombies

Whether you're a longtime veteran of Zombies modes or a brand new Call of Duty player, Black Ops Cold War looks to be the best version yet! 

Black Ops Cold War will be a cross-platform game that will allow you to play with your friends whether on PS4, PC or Xbox One and even the next-gen consoles. Find all the changes coming to weapons and equipment in Zombies below!

The main changes

Cross-Play and Cross-Gen

Much like multiplayer, Zombies squads can be formed across different platforms and generations of consoles, marking a first in franchise history. This means players will be able to join friends in the action regardless of platform!

Battle Pass Progression and Loadouts

Players will now advance through the Battle Pass with time played in Zombies modes, just like Multiplayer and Warzone. Members of the Requiem team can also start the match with any weapon of their choice crafted through the Armory.

Rarity of weapons

In addition to the return of the Pack-a-Punch machine to transform your weapon, all weapons will now have a rarity associated with them. Depending on rarity, a weapon will have an increased damage output, allowing any weapon in the game to be durable into the later rounds. It also adds more variety and fun to finding new weapons through Wall Buys and the Mystery Box .

Field Upgrades

Outside of weaponry, players can deploy Field Upgrades as proactive abilities that add another layer to team-based tactics.

Charge them up by killing zombies, then deploy them in times of desperate need. From offensive buffs to abilities that aid evasion or healing and re-launch, these Field Upgrades are designed to accommodate many playstyles.


Around the map you can craft and find lethal and tactical equipment all capable of taking down waves of the undead.

Lethal and tactical gear is similar to gear found in multiplayer, while support gear houses high powered offensive weapons. This location could be where you deploy grenade launchers, sentry turrets, explosive bows, and even chopper gunners - all tools that can deliver a massive burst of power when your team needs it most.


Classic Zombies Perks are back with a reimagined Cold War aesthetic, including the return of timeless favorites like Juggernog and Speed ​​Cola.

There is no longer a limit to how many different perks you can consume, so go ahead and open a six-pack, if you have the points to do so.

Exfil '

Instead of perishing in the horde, Black Ops Cold War Zombies offers a new option to escape your life when you feel overwhelmed ... if you dare.

If the whole team is in trouble, you can choose to exfil the area by helicopter. Although zombie waves are increased in the lead up to extraction, you should expect to earn some rewards if your team completes this final wave to survive.

The first trailer for Zombies has gone live!

Treyarch has released the first trailer for Black Ops Cold War Zombies!

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

Co-written with : Jonno Nicholson