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Warzone players ask Raven Software to nerf Kar98k

Warzone players ask Raven Software to nerf Kar98k

Players want changes made to the overpowered marksman rifle.

Warzone players ask Raven Software to nerf Kar98k

Warzone Season 3 is well underway and with the mid-season update on the horizon, the often-vocal player base has been making its voice heard regarding one particular weapon that has dominated the current metagame.

The Kar98k marksman rifle from Modern Warfare is favored over any sniper rifle on offer thanks to its superior mobility and incredible damage output in any scenario imaginable.

Despite being a strong weapon to select as part of a loadout, players are beginning to call upon Raven Software to implement changes that will encourage more variety in the long-range meta.

Warzone Players Want Kar98k Nerfed To Balance Long-Range Meta

Calls for the rifle to be nerfed began to appear on the Warzone sub-reddit, with players leaving some suggestions that would certainly bring snipers back into the meta.

Implementing a small nerf to the Kar98k would be the ideal solution to the problem of the rifle excelling in Warzone. 

Raven Software has mainly focused on the Black Ops Cold War weapons in a bid to keep the battle royale balanced. Perhaps now is the right time for it to turn its attention towards some of the stronger Modern Warfare weaponry to ensure balance is maintained?

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Jonno Nicholson

Head of Call of Duty & FIFA portals at Millenium US. Call of Duty esports extraordinaire.