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Wild Rift: 2021 patch schedule

Wild Rift: 2021 patch schedule

Want to know when to expect the next patch for Wild RIft? We’ve put together a complete list for all the 2021 release dates

Wild Rift: 2021 patch schedule

As it is with League of Legends, the patch schedule for Wild Rift is important to know. Not only can you keep up with the latest cosmetics, characters or events, you can keep an eye on buffs and nerfs. Wild Rift has a calendar with the dates and versions planned for 2021.

Wild Rift usually has small patches between versions - ranging from bug fixes to events. Unlike the large patches, they do not have a fixed schedule so it is always recommended you review the notes of each version. Keep in mind that it isn’t always necessary to immediately update since there is a 24 hour period from the release to be able to play without interruption, though you will only be matched with players who are using the version.

Wild Rift Patch Schedule 2021

  • 2.1 - February 2, 2021
  • 2.2 - March 30, 2021
  • 2.3 - June 2, 2021
  • 2.4 - July 28, 2021
  • 2.5 - October 6, 2021
  • 2.6 - November 19, 2021
LoL Patch 11.14: Sentinel and Ruined skins will invade Summoner's Rift

League of Legends is preparing for a new event and Riot Games has confirmed the skins that will come with Patch 11.14. The Sentinels and the Ruined sides prepare for the final battle with new skins for six champions.

Eduardo Díaz

One shot, one moment, one barrel is all you need.