Wild Rift has become a much friendlier place since the ability to prioritize roles was introduced, but there are still players out there displaying toxic behaviour.
Riot Games has now published a post on the official blog talking about wintrading, which is a form of matchfixing in which a player will deliberately lose against a beneficiary opponent. This is usually done on 'smurf' accounts, so that the opponent can gain rank points without the fixer's main account being affected.
According to Riot, "matchfixing is defined as any method where players intentionally and consistently behave in ways that cause their team to lose or forfeit."
Now, Riot is taking a stance with some heavy punishments for wintraders and matchfixers.
"Accounts with evidence of either win trading or matchfixing will be banned for 7 days as a warning, lose all current season rewards, and be reset to Iron IV. Repeat offenders and high severity offenders will continue to be permabanned."
These waves of punishments will come without advance notice, but there will be several banwaves per season.
Other changes include a leaderboard ban for first-time offenders, that will last all season. For those clearly identified as wintraders, they'll be removed from champion leaderboards. Riot says the point is to prevent wintraders and matchfixers from appearing on any leaderboards for the rest of that season.
Riot also promises to target those who are confirmed cheaters, rather than those who just occasionally have bad games.