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Elden Ring: Play Darth Vader and slice your enemies with a lightsaber? It's possible !

Elden Ring: Play Darth Vader and slice your enemies with a lightsaber? It's possible !

Do you dream of playing as the Sith Lord while enjoying the open world of Elden Ring? Now you can with this amazing mod that turns your weapon into a blazing red lightsaber and your character into Darth Vader.

If there are already hundreds of different mods on Elden Ring, some of them manage to stand out either by their usefulness (improving the performance of the game for example or making it easier) or by the fun they provide when we can embody the character of our dreams. Mangas like One Piece and Berserk have already had their heyday on Fromsoftware's title, but this time it's the turn of Star Wars and the illustrious Darth Vader.

Darth Vader in Elden Ring: the mod everyone was dreaming of

Between a skin on Fortnite and a mod allowing you to embody the Sith directly on Elden Ring "the question is quickly answered" . Everyone has their own tastes of course, but we must admit that the video below delivers unparalleled energy: Darth Vader is literally slicing enemies with his lightsaber as if they were simple pieces of fabric.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

In reality, it was modders drs2 and Xelerate who created two mods in May 2022. One allowing you to put on the famous Darth Vader costume and simply wander around the kingdom of the Underworld, the other granting you the saber mighty sith lord red laser . By mixing the two mods, you get an action game bordering on hack'n slash where your character can slash monsters without stopping. All that's missing is the real sound design of the lightsaber that opens and shakes to make it perfect.

And if you want to see what it looks like when a player, here Lolmetwice, uses both mods to take out the Godrick boss, here's another video you might like:

How to install the mod?

If you are interested in this Darth Vader mod, we invite you to consult our dedicated guide below regarding installation. The first thing to do is to disable anti-cheat and then use Nexusmods for your downloads, you just have to create a free account for that. In the article below you will also find the best mods to use to make your life easier (pause the game, cheat endlessly, make it easier etc.)

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!