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Baldur's Gate 3: The last class added before the release has been revealed

Baldur's Gate 3: The last class added before the release has been revealed

Larian Studios has revealed the contents of Major Update 9 for BG3 Early Access, with its share of new features and information on the return of Minsc. A long-requested class is finally coming to the game, too.

We now know that Baldur's Gate 3 will be released in August 2023, hoping it won't be pushed back to a later date. But there is still a long way to go by the studio before getting there, several classes are still missing, as well as a lot of races.

Patch 9: Holy Night for a Holy Knight

The class added in the latest major update is the hugely popular Paladin . Always full of humor, the studio made its announcement during a Christmas-themed party, named Holy Night in English, to reveal the "Holy Knight", aka the Paladin. Conspiracy theorists are going to have a blast as they try to guess what the studio will show next, and when. The other missing class is the Monk, it may arrive when the game is released.

  • Here are the details of the content of the patch, this also includes the unlocking of level 5 , a symbolic threshold in Dungeons & Dragons, since it unlocks level 3 spells such as the iconic fireball, lightning, summoning dead -living and the dissipation of magic.
  • The reaction system has finally been integrated into the game, it was sorely lacking, and this blocked the correct integration of a lot of classes and combat mechanics.
  • Air flight will also be integrated correctly now, which will open up many opportunities.

New Class: Paladin

Noble in spirit and fervent devotees, Paladins can unleash devastating combos while providing aid and protection to their party when needed.

  • Divine Smite : When a player uses a melee attack, they can choose to spend a spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target in addition to their weapon damage.

    There are two basic subclasses.

Oath of devotion

True to the ideal of the armored knight, Paladins act with honor and virtue to protect the weak and uphold the common good.

  • Holy Retaliation : Players can call on their oath to grant an aura of vengeance to an ally that deals 1d4 radiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack.

Oath of the Elders

Paladins who walk this path fight on the side of light in the eternal struggle of good against darkness, swearing to preserve the sanctity of life and the beauty of nature.

Healing Radiance : Players can call upon their oath to cause nature to heal nearby allies.

Secret Subclass: Perjury

Paladins who break their sacred oaths become Forsworn, a path that brings advantages and disadvantages. Players can take advantage of their new powers to do good or evil or embark on the path of redemption.

Baldur's Gate 3

Level 5

Players can now progress up to level 5, which allows a significant increase in power for all classes, and gives access to level 3 spells like Fireball to the characters concerned.​

The maximum level cap on the full game is still unclear. Level 10 was mentioned at one time, but we expect it to be more around level 15 now.

Improvements to the Reactions system

Reactions represent a unique type of action that can be triggered in combat: an enemy who disengages from melee combat exposes himself to an Attack of Opportunity.
Players can now choose whether or not to use a Reaction when triggered, allowing for more strategic combat.


The flight spell can be used during a fight as well, but not only. Players can spread their wings and fly to treasures otherwise out of reach, retreating to safety away from enemies.


Finally, it was announced that Minsc's role in Baldur's Gate 3 will be played by actor and MJ Matt Mercer. He lends his English voice to Cole Cassidy in Overwatch, and plays the gamemaster in Critical Role , a web series about Dungeons and Dragons. If you like the license (which you probably do), you should check it out. It allows you to follow different D&D campaigns played by celebrities.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!