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Hearthstone Battlegrounds Innvitational

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Innvitational

After the release of the new Battlegrounds mode, Blizzard has just announced an Inn-vitational tournament played with this brand new mode! Get ready to cheer on teams mixing your favorite streamers coached by professional players.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Innvitational

While Hearthstone Battlegrounds has just been released in closed beta, Blizzard is bringing together streamers and professional players in an Inn-vitational tournament with a $200,000 prize pool!


After 7 hard rounds of Hearthstone's new game mode: Battlegrounds, we finally know the big winners of the tournament! It's the Rust Buckets team, composed of Thijs, Brian Kibler, Amaz, and Kolento! They win the big cash prize, while all the players who voted for them win a second booster of cards from the new expansion: Descent of Dragons!


  • Rabid Rangers: Vinz, RegisKillblin, Disguised Toast, xChocoBars
  • Doom Bringers: Zalae, Firebat, Asmodaï, Surrender
  • Rust Buckets: Thijs, Brian Kibler, Amaz, Kolento
  • Mega Fins: Hafu, Dog, Trump, Rdu

How It Works

The tournament will take place in 3 phases in which you will be able to pick up a few boosters while supporting your favorite team.

  • Vote: From November 5 to November 11, you can visit the official Blizzard website and choose a team to support. Be careful, you only have one vote!
  • Play: From November 12th to November 19th Battlefields will be beta open to all! For each victory (1-4th place /8 players) in this new mode, one point will be given to the team you have chosen previously. If a team reaches 250,000 wins before the end of this phase, it unlocks a guaranteed reward of an additional $25,000!
  • Watch: From November 21, you will be able to watch your favorite players compete in a tournament between 4 teams of 4. the winners will be able to share the modest sum of $200,000!

You can track your team's win count with daily updates on the @PlayHearthstone Twitter account

To access the beta and train as much as possible before this contest, you can pre-order the next extension: the Dragon Takeoff! If you had purchased a virtual ticket, you already have access to the mode. Otherwise, watch Twitch this week, many streamers will give you early access thanks to Twitch Prime!


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