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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Guide: the basics of exploration

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot — Guides, walkthrough and news
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Guide: the basics of exploration

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is an Action-RPG and when it comes to RPG, it implies a lot of exploration. Here are the essential points of exploring the map and the world.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Guide: the basics of exploration

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is divided into several zones of varying size, which will be important to explore from top to bottom. The exploration is done in three dimensions: on the ground, in the air, but there's also an underwater world that can be explored. Be careful in the latter, as it's a completely different universe that introduces an air gauge.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

The fauna is diverse in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. It's possible to meet common animals such as does or fish, but also emblematic creatures of the license: the dinosaurs. They can be hunted in order to recover craft elements or simply to get food which will obviously be essential.

On top of that, fishing is an excellent way to find good quality food. To do this, you'll need to find fishing spots that are spread all over the world and use either the Saiyan's tail or a fishing rod. The task is quite simple and requires a short QTE phase.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Like in any RPG, the title features main and side quests that are identifiable on the screen by large red and blue beams and exclamation points of the same colours on the radar. The side quests will require you to complete various tasks such as trading materials, fighting enemies and collecting ingredients. These tasks are not to be neglected, as they will unlock various bonuses such as final stats upgrades and Soul Emblems.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Pure exploration is also rewarded, as collecting Z-Orbs everywhere will provide further opportunities to unlock passive skills in the skill tree. Other rewarding activities include baseball, called the "Home Run Game", collecting the Dragon Balls, and building various vehicles.

The world of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is rich and full of activities. Enough to keep you busy in each area for a long time.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: release date and pre-order bonuses revealed

For the many fans waiting for the next DBZ game, the Japanese release date of the game was revealed at TGS 2019 by Namco Bandai, along with goodies for those who pre-ordered the game.

Florent Thomas
