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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough — Teachings For Tomorrow sub story

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot — Guides, walkthrough and news
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough — Teachings For Tomorrow sub story

Nam, a long-time acquaintance, makes several appearances in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot during various sub-stories.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Walkthrough — Teachings For Tomorrow sub story

A well-known face, Nam, will once again need your services for a Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot sub story. Nam will confide his fears and worries about the village to Son Gohan.

Teachings For Tomorrow

A well-known face, Nam, will once again need your services for a Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot sub story. Nam will confide his fears and worries about the village to Son Gohan.

Nam is worried about the dry season which will hinder the good progress of the harvests and jeopardize the serenity of the village. Nam will explain to Son Gohan that he has discovered vegetables that can grow anywhere. You'll have to head towards the West City to find a farmer, marked by the sub story icon, not far from the city.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

The farmer will teach you that he's in possession of golden potato seeds that can withstand drought. Unfortunately he's not ready to give them to just anyone but he's willing to exchange them for a latest-generation tractor, first prize in today's two-legged robot time trial in the city. You know what you have to do.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

After this race, the tractor's capsule will be yours, and all you have to do is go back to the farmer. The farmer, impressed by Gohan's determination, will gladly give him the golden potato seeds and as a reward will gladly leave you the newly acquired capsule. Back in the village of Nam, Gohan will entrust him with the seeds and the tractor to take care of the crops.

No soul emblem after completing this quest but extra rewards to boost the community boards.





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