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Temtem: How to breed Temtem — Temtem Breeding Guide

Temtem: tips, guide, walkthrough, creatures and more
Temtem: How to breed Temtem — Temtem Breeding Guide

What are the advantages of breeding Temtem? Higher statistics, Luma hunting and unique species, here's a guide on how to properly breed your Temtem.

Temtem: How to breed Temtem — Temtem Breeding Guide

Temtem breeding is an essential skill that every good player must master. Breeding carefully is the key to get a Temtem with solid stats. Breeding in Temtem is not very complicated, we will review all the breeding techniques so that you can better understand them.


You'll be able to breed Temtem quite early in the game, at the Breeding Center on the island of Omninesia. Omninesia is the second island you will visit during your adventure, and the Breeding Center is located in the canopist area of the map.

An egg usually takes about 25 real minutes to hatch but the hatching time depends on the rate of capture of the offspring. It can take between 5 and 45 minutes, and the Temtem that will come out will be level 1.



You will be able to breed Temtem quite early in the game, at the Breeding Center on the island of Omninesia, this is the second island you will visit during your adventure.

The Breeding Center is located in the canopist area of the map, in Mokupuni.

Obtaining an egg usually takes between 5 and 10 actual minutes and then another 10 minutes or so to hatch. But the hatching time depends on the catching rate and can take up to 45 minutes. To better gauge the time remaining before eggs hatch, you can obtain an object called a Egg Timer.

Fertility level

If you have spent some time in the game you probably came across the tree icon in your Temtem's statistics. This icon represents the fertility level of your Temtem. Each Temtem can only reproduce a limited number of times and it depends on its current fertility level. Most Temtems captured in the wild will have their maximum fertility level. The few Temtems that you capture in the wild with lower fertility levels will serve you even better as their young will get a statistical boost as they cannot reproduce as much as others.

The fertility level decreases each time a Temtem produces an egg.


Baby Temtem Statistics

The idea is to create babies with higher statistics than their parents through statistical inheritance. However, the inherited statistics can come from either parent, we suggest raising a pair with naturally high SVs.

The statistical heritage in Temtem breeding is purely based on chance. Each statistic has a 40% chance of being higher than its parents, 40% of the average of both and 20% chance of being the lowest statistic.

DNA Strand

By purchasing and equipping a parent with a DNA strand sold by the Breeding Centre merchant, it can be guaranteed that the Temtem will inherit the statistic specified on the item. There are seven different DNA elements, each relating to a specific statistic. The offspring will inherit up to two selected statistics, one from the father and one from the mother.

The other 5 statistics will be randomly determined by the 40%/40%/20%.


Concerning the traits of hatched eggs, there is currently no way to guarantee them 100%.
In Early Access, the chances of having the right trait are 50%. Here's a picture that might help you understand:


Egg Moves

Another key element of Temtem breeding are the egg moves. These are the attacks that a particular Temtem species cannot learn by progressing, such as the Ganki Prison or the Banapi Roar.


If neither parent is Luma, the chances of hatching a Luma version are the same as the rate in wild encounters (1/6000).

On the other hand, breeding a Luma increases the chances of the baby being a Luma by ten times the normal rate. This can go up to 100 times if both parents are Luma.

Camille Chabroud

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