Temtem: tips, guide, walkthrough, creatures and more
Temtem: Hocus, Pocus location

Hocus is a mental type Temtem that we meet during our first fight with Lady Lottie. Here's a guide that will help you find its location.

Temtem: Hocus, Pocus location

Hocus' location is a real mystery to the Early Access players of Temtem. We meet him when we rescue Sophia, the master of the Arissola Dojo, from Lady Lottie.

Hocus Location

Unfortunately, Hocus isn't available in the wild in Temtem. We may encounter it in various battles with NPCs, but it's impossible to capture him. It's located in the first island, on the Gifted Bridges just after Arissola. You'll need climbing equipment to reach the high grass where it's hiding. However, the climbing kit isn't available in-game yet.

If you see people with a Hocus, it simply means that they have tampered with the game files to get it. This kind of practice will get you banned, so don't try it.

You'll have to wait to capture Hocus and fight with him, be patient!

Temtem Tier List: which are the best Temtem?

Here is a Tier List allowing you to define which are the best Temtem to use in your team for PvP and PvE battles.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !