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Valheim Guide: How to craft the Draugr Fang Bow

Valheim Guide: How to craft the Draugr Fang Bow

Ready to craft a new bow for yourself? Here's our guide on what you need to craft the Draugr Fang Bow in Valheim

Valheim Guide: How to craft the Draugr Fang Bow

Crafting Valheim’s Draur Fang Bow can be a bit of a grind. You’ll need four different materials, which aren’t all that easy to find. Here’s our guide on what you need, and where to find it!

First up, you’ll need the following equipment: a workbench, a forge and a smelter

For the Draugr fang bow you’ll need:

Ancient Bark x 10

Silver x 20

Deer Hide x 2

Guck x 10

Ancient Bark and guck can both be found in the Swamp – the guck is slightly more difficult to get to, so we recommend using your trusty pickaxe on the ground level glowing gucksacks, and build ladders to get to the ones further up in the trees. You can hunt deer in the Meadows and the Black Forest, and mine silver ore in the Mountains.


As you upgrade your forge, you’ll also be able to upgrade the bow. Here’s what you’ll need to gather for each level:

Level 2: Ancient Bark x 10, Silver x 20, Deer Hide x 2, Guck x 10

Level 3: Ancient Bark x 5, Silver x 10, Deer Hide x 2, Guck x 2

Level 4: Ancient Bark x 10, Silver x 20, Deer Hide x 4 Guck x 4

Level 5: Ancient Bark x 15, Silver x 30, Deer Hide x 6, Guck x 6


There you have it, a new bow which is more powerful and durable!

How to find Silver using the Wishbone

Silver is one of the many resources in Valheim required for crafting. Here’s our guide on how to find it.


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