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Valheim Guide: How to find Haldor the Merchant

Valheim Guide: How to find Haldor the Merchant

Haldor is the only merchant in Valheim, and finding him is no easy task. Here’s our guide on how to find him, and what you can buy from him.

Valheim’s only merchant, Haldor, is someone you’ll want to find as soon as possible. Not only can you purchase a belt to increase the weight limit of what you can carry, but also the ultra-rare Ymir’s Flesh which is required for crafting


Haldor's Wares

You can exchange Coins (directly); as well as Rubies, Ambers, and Amber Pearls, for Haldor's wares.

  • Dverger Circlet (620 Coins) – A helmet that provides perpetual light, it’s useful for exploring tombs
  • Megingjord (950 Coins) – A belt that increases your inventory carry weight limit by +150 (to a total of 450)
  • Ymir Flesh (120 Coins) – Crafting material used to make the silver mace
  • Fishing Rod (350 Coins) – Used to catch fish, must be equipped as a weapon
  • Fishing Bait (10 Coins) – Required to use the Fishing Rod.
  • Yule Hat (100 Coins) – A festive themed cosmetic

Where to find Haldor

Since Valheim is a procedurally generated world, we can't give you Haldor's exact location, but he will spawn in the Black Forest. Keep an eye on your map while exploring – when you’re within 2km of his location you’ll see an icon pop up.

Once you’ve located him, you’ll tend to find him in the same spot every time so it’s a good idea to create a portal.

Haldor is surrounded by a protective ring so you’ll be safe from attack while interacting with him.

How to plant seeds and farm in Valheim

The best boost for health and stamina is food. Here’s our guide on how to craft the Cultivator so you can grow your own.


Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.