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Valheim Cheat Codes

Valheim Cheat Codes

Valheim can be challenging, even for the most dedicated of Vikings — so, sometimes, we need to resort to a cheat or two. We've compiled a comprehensive list of cheat codes for you to use!

We've put together a list of cheat codes for Valheim.

Command Console

Once in-game press F5 to open the console, and type imacheater to unlock access to the cheat codes.

Remember the game is in early access, so using these codes may cause your game to malfunction.


List of Cheat Codes

  • god: activate god mode
  • pos: mark the position of the player
  • goto [x, z]: teleports to specific coordinates
  • killall: kill all surrounding
  • tame: tames all surrounding animals
  • exploremap: explore the whole map at once
  • resetmap: reset the exploration of the map
  • location: create a spawn point
  • freefly: activate a free photo mode
  • event [name]: triggers the event
  • stopevent: stop an event
  • raiseskill [skill] [amount]: increases skill level
  • resetcharacter: Reset character data
  • save: force a save
  • removedrops: remove all items on the floor in the area
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Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.