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Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: How to reach the house with the red chimney

Resident Evil Village: Complete Walkthrough
Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: How to reach the house with the red chimney

After your little adventure in Castle Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village, you will have to find the house with the red chimney. However, it seems unreachable, so here's a guide on how to access this house.

Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: How to reach the house with the red chimney

You will have to make your way to the house with a red chimney in Resident Evil Village, but a big blue tractor blocks your way. Here's a guide on how to access the house, which is the key to your adventure with Ethan.

Find the tractor

In Virgin Warrior Square, you'll need to enter the house that has a well right in front of it. As you walk through the house, you will be able to unlock a door that leads to a bloody workbench.

On the other side of this workbench filled with goats' heads, you will be able to move a shelf that will clear the way to the blue tractor. However, you'll need another item to move the tractor.

Resident Evil Village

To find this item, you just have to turn around when you're in front of the tractor. You'll see a door with "DO NOT ENTER" written in capital letters. Go to this door and shoot the lock.

Resident Evil Village

Once you have broken the gate, head towards the infrastructure on your left. A locker with a padlock will hide the coveted item. Look through the window on your right to find the code, which is: 070408. Once you have retrieved the jack handle, you will be able to lift the tractor and continue your journey to the house with the red chimney.

Resident Evil Village

Once you have visited the house of the violin maker, which is blocked, go to the door with the iron key insignia — a key that you should have found at the Dimitrescu's house.

Go up to the roof of the small house on your right and go down to the garden of the house in front of you. The red house is finally within reach, but the door is closed, so you will have to go around find a small ladder that will allow you to enter the house through the roof.

Walkthrough Part 5: House Beneviento

The next stage of our complete Resident Evil Village walkthrough takes us through House Beneviento.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !