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Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: House Beneviento

Resident Evil Village: Complete Walkthrough
Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: House Beneviento

The next stage of our complete Resident Evil Village walkthrough takes us through House Beneviento.

Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: House Beneviento

After speaking to the Duke, you will be able to access a new area of Resident Evil Village. House Beneviento is a fantastic location, so read on for what you'll have to do.

On the way to House Beneviento

The mansion can be found in the northwest of the map, and can be accessed through the winged gate right next to the Duke. Progress through the tall grass to the Suspension Bridge. Continue straight, as you'll not be able to explore at this time.

Head behind the illuminated tomb and insert your Family Photo in the slit of the large red door. Continue straight towards the elevator and admire the panorama of the mansion and the waterfall.

Head down the hall after the Living Room to a new elevator that will take you to the basement of House Beneviento. Continue straight the Doll Workshop and interact with the flask.

After a cutscene, you will see a life-sized mannequin on the table, and will find your weapons have disappeared. For this dungeon you'll just need your wits and the tools you find on your way.

Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

Examine the mannequin

  • Manipulate the right arm until Ethan lifts it up and pulls it out to reveal a three closed eyes symbol that will come in handy later.
  • Examine the shoulder, and repeat the same process to find the Silver Key.
  • Check the left eye for a raven flying right symbol -- memorize this for later.
  • Left hand to remove the Blood-Covered Ring.
  • Check the bandages on the chest and remember these for later.
  • There's an item inside the doll's mouth, another thing to remember for later.
  • Manipulate the left leg to find the Winding Key.
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

Padlock and music box

Use the Silver Key on the door then clean the Blood-Covered Ring at the sink to reveal the Wedding Ring. Head into the inventory to examine the ring and reveal the code for the padlocked door: 052911.

Return to the hallway: a door will open. Insert the Winding Key into the music box. A riddle will ask you to turn the rollers by aligning the grooves. You'll get the tweezers.

Return to the Doll Workshop and reexamine the mannequin's mouth with the tweezers to collect some film. Head back to the Study, near the elevator. Insert the piece of film into the projector for a new puzzle: line up the negatives in the order given, as shown in the image below.

A movie starts, then a wall opens. Enter the secret passage, which is populated with creepy dolls. Recover the scissors that the doll is holding at the back, and use them just below to cut the strips of fabric blocking access to the passage.

Back in the Doll Workshop, you can now cut the bandages on the mannequin's chest: then open her up to retrieve the brass medallion.

Insert it into the door at the other end of the hall and spin the pieces to get the correct code. Remember the symbols? This is where we'll use them.

For the lower medallion choose the three closed eyes, and the raven flying right for the upper left.

Enter the well you saw in the film, where you'll find the Breaker Box Key. Head back to the elevator.

Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

The anguished baby

You'll now hear a crying baby. Quickly return to the Medicine Room and follow the umbilical cord to the foul monster. Then turn around and fake it around the lab table, to buy yourself time to get to the Breaker Box. Open it with the Breaker Box Key.

Collect the Relief of a Child, then go through the white door on the right and back through the secret passage under the dolls. Insert the Relief of a Child in the door to unlock it.

Continue to the Mother's Door and get ready. Grab the fuse from the wall in the corner -- the light will first go out, and then return along with the baby. As before, fake movement -- turn back to the bedroom, wait for him to enter the room, then get close enough to dodge him by going under the bed.

Sprint to the elevator and insert the fuse into the breaker box. With the baby on your tail, pray it comes before the baby gets you.

Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

How to beat Donna Beneviento

Back in the house, you will have to face Donna Beneviento and her doll. This isn't a combat boss, instead it operates more as a game of hide-and-seek, in which you'll need to find Angie (the doll) three times.

If you take too long to find her, a horde of dolls will kille you. Make sure you work quickly.

The locations are:

  • in the Guest Room upstairs;
  • in the Living Room;
  • by the elevator in the northeast

You'll acquire a key, which you can examine to create the Four-Winged Unborn Key by combining it with the Four-Winged Key. Make sure you pick up the Legs Flask, and of course Angie the doll to be sold to the Duke.

Head back to the Garden. On the way you will find the W870 TAC Shotgun on the windowsill of the house, and a mine in a crate.

You will also come across the Luthier's Key.

Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village
Walkthrough Part 6: The Reservoir

The next chapter in our complete Resident Evil Village walkthrough sees us head to the Reservoir to take on Moreau.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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