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Lost Ark: The Complete Guide to Gems

Lost Ark: The Complete Guide to Gems

Here is our complete guide to the Gem system in Lost Ark from its basic principles, including the fusion of gems and transformation.

Lost Ark: The Complete Guide to Gems

Gems are an important part of Lost Ark's high level progression system. They can be obtained in many ways, mainly in Chaos Dungeons, and offer various effects that greatly enhance the skills of the class your character embodies.

Gems: The Basics

Gems can be obtained from your arrival in Tier 2 (Yorn) content, especially in Chaos Dungeons, but not only. The idea is quite simple since you get a variable number of gems in the content you browse, through chests at the end of a dungeon for example, each with a variable level between 2 and 9 .

Each gem offers a random variable effect from two possible types:

  • Reduced skill cooldown
  • Increased damage dealt by a skill

    Each gem of course offers different bonuses according to each class. They can also be exchanged from one character to another without limit, making it much easier to obtain them. A total of up to 11 can be equipped by your character, and only the most powerful of each type has its effect activated.

    Example: If you equip a level 5 gem that increases the damage dealt by Lightning Vortex, a level 2 gem that has the same effect, and a level 5 gem that reduces the cooldown of Lightning Vortex, then you will gain the effects of both gems of level 5 while that of level 2 will be totally eclipsed (and therefore useless to equip it):

  • Lightning Vortex cooldown reduced by 6% (Witch)
  • Lightning Vortex damage increased by 15% (Witch)
Lost Ark

Gem Fusion

To make it easier to get higher tier gems, you have the option of fusing them directly from your inventory. Fusion requires three gems of the same level to be effective. The effect conferred by the gems does not matter, you can fuse three of them offering different bonuses so you will obtain a gem of the higher level comprising one of the three effects of the fused gems.

Example: If you want to get a level 3 gem, you have to merge three level 2 gems. By fusing a gem that reduces the cooldown of Ice Arrow, one that reduces the cooldown of Thundering Vortex, and one that reduces the cooldown of Call Frost, you will get a level 4 gem with the one of these three effects.

Lost Ark

Gem processing

Finally, the Gem Experts present in the major cities of Archésia offer you a unique feature: the Transformation of gems. This very simple feature allows you to change the effect of a given gem to another random one dedicated to your class.

The cost of Gem Transformation depends on the level of the gem you wish to transform. While it is rather weak at level 2, it quickly becomes very expensive. Each transformation of a level 5 gem costs, for example, 10,000 silver coins. The effect obtained being random, this "gambling" system can quickly put you in trouble for Silver Coins!

Lost Ark

The effects that the selected gem's effect can be replaced with are shown in the panel on the left of the interface. It is, as a reminder, totally random!

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